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Really, who the fuck is she? I keep seeing stuff about her and am kinda confused ngl
13 02,2021
13 02,2021
emily is the best   2 reply
13 02,2021
Forg 13 02,2021
Me too but I decided not to question   reply
13 02,2021
What is going on?? [Question]
Sofea 13 02,2021
Okay, so lately I’ve been reading less and less on mangago bcs I was hooked up with novels and today I decided to read on mangago and ofc I would scroll and read the questions people going around talking right?

The thing is, after I read it, I wanted to comment something for the op but then, people on the comment section said that the op is trolling people. Saying it was a fujo trolls.

WHAT TF IS FUJO TROLLS?? And the Emily trolls?? Pls- I’m so lost rn ╥﹏╥
13 02,2021
Parents Stories [Answer]
13 02,2021
So there's this button in my mom's car right under the driver's wheel, and we would always ask if we could press it or why we couldn't touch it. She told us that if we pressed the button, the roof of the car would open up and the seats would shoot up and make us fly out of the car into the street, and if we didn't want to die we wouldn't press it. ......   1 reply
13 02,2021
Parents Stories [Answer]
artemis 13 02,2021
My dad told me that when he lived in Yemen, him and his brothers would jump his second oldest brother, tie him to a post, and shove chocolate milk down his throat..   1 reply
13 02,2021
Parents Stories [Answer]
My Pet Scorpio
13 02,2021
this is a story that makes me laugh every time I hear it. one night, many a year ago, my dad went either drinking or bowling & drinking with friends. it was late by the time they were done, so my dad decided to "take a shortcut"... by cutting across 2-3 muddy cow pastures. he was inebriated enough not to notice having cut his leg on one of the barb......   reply
13 02,2021
Parents Stories [Answer]
! sky 13 02,2021
So when i was younger my mom told me that when i get older i will be able to see dead pets. I liked that show with the abnormal hospital stories so the next day i saw an episode where this man could see his dead dog. It scared me to sleep that night   reply
13 02,2021
when i was young, my mum told us to hide our thumbs whenever we pass by funerals and funeral cars or the spirit of dead will hang around u or possess u. theres also this story they told us that i can vaguely rmbr but it was a man who fought a centipede and it just scared me and made me up all night   reply
13 02,2021
Parents Stories [Answer]
kya 13 02,2021
My mom told me how when she was walking to school she found a gift box in a payphone. She opened it and there's hot and soft dog's poo inside. It got in her fingers and she had nowhere to clean it up so she had to go to school like that. I even used this story for a school assignment and got a high grade.   2 reply
13 02,2021

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