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[DELETED] 14 06,2021
Depends... I feel like I have to know more first. How long have you had that idea, how long have you started to write about it, how far are you in the creative process... Not gonna act like I'm near finishig any of my projects but I could lend you a hand.   1 reply
14 06,2021
Probably gone 14 06,2021
Here:   1 reply
14 06,2021
My plots suck ass [Question]
( ´ ▽ ` )
14 06,2021
I love writing but I kinda suck at it when it comes to plot and mapping out a story so I just really want some advice on how to do so ;;
14 06,2021
(I had previously posted this on "first kiss" but wanted to repost so it can fit the category)
Hello, I want to write a book with a diverse cast of characters, however, I am 13 years old and I know I still need to educate myself on A LOT of things when it comes to misrepresentation, stereotyping, and lazy writing (when concerning minorities).

I would like to know how a proper way to represent or (more specifically) write the following groups (and Please mention other groups that I may have forgotten that are also misrepresented or not represented at all!)

P.S. Please also tell me what you don't like what the media (movies, books, etc.) does to the following groups (or to those that I have not listed):

Asian (including India)
Native American
Cisgender Female
Cisgender Male
and etc.

I am a Hispanic Cisgender Female of Mexican origin. What is the most ethical and proper way I can write any of the listed (and not listed) groups? I have also barely entered the LGBTQ+ community as asexual but I still am uneducated about other sexualities and still need to learn more about my own.

Thanks in advance for your help and wisdom.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
09 12,2020

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