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Things U Do When Ur Sad

So I'm an idiot [Answer]
26 01,2021
that's the point. why'd you use plastic bowl XD did you not sleep or eat? lsjxksjs anyway,i hope you heal those spots. i think aloe vera would help.   reply
26 01,2021
So [Question]
Forg 26 01,2021
A like 3 years ago
I was at a stay away camp and at the camp I would always sleep in the same bed with another camper cause I don't know why
And a lot of really nice girls there
And there was one girl who I was always with
Well we were friends so I would understand that

And there was these 2 girls who had sex in the middle of the night
And to no surprise my 10 year old self was watching them

But enough about me
How about you
26 01,2021
So I'm an idiot [Question]
Forg 26 01,2021
So the other day I put a water and sugar inside of a PLASTIC BOWL and I put it in the microwave so it could heat up
And when I took it out SURPRISE SURPRISE
The bottom of the bowl broke and the stuff splattered everywhere including on my legs
So now I have a whole bunch of hole looking spots on my legs from the scorching hot thing so yea

And I have trypophobia so seeing that doesn't make me feel any better
26 01,2021
Forg 25 01,2021
And the fact that they stole the mlm flag too   10 reply
25 01,2021
I want one [Experience]
Forg 25 01,2021
I WANT ONE this edit is just muwah   reply
25 01,2021
Hi hi [Answer]
Stardust 25 01,2021
Not only this. The whole I am not gay I only like you trope. The fact that they aren’t able to come in terms with their sexuality and is obsessed with one person comes off as very fucking weird.   1 reply
25 01,2021
Because some people are so fargone in their delusions they think it's okay, people are weird.   reply
25 01,2021
Lol this is why I don't bother to ship anymore- either healthy or not I only ship in my head cause everything toxic af   reply
25 01,2021
mlm fetishizaton, like ereri, those two didn't even have romantic chemistry people shipped them because tWo hOt bOys tOgEthEr.   4 reply
25 01,2021
For ex. Chrollo x kurapika
I'm surprised people even thought that was a good ship in the first place

Also pedophilic ones
What makes you think an adult and a child would make a good couple
25 01,2021

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