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Prolly somewhat better than America.   reply
02 05,2021
Hell is said to be a place of suffering right? For others it might be their entire life, fear, school, trauma, position, relationship, living etc. It can be anything but it wouldnt change the fact its something that makes them feel numerous negative emotions such as grief, wrath, sadness, envy etc. Well that's what I think hell is.   reply
02 05,2021
I record my score and name on the leaderboard then replay the game   reply
02 05,2021
Honestly I feel like your mind just goes blank and you lose all your 5 senses   reply
02 05,2021
hell is having school everyday..... oh wait that sounds like real life....   reply
02 05,2021
Again I don't think it's everything Christians make it out to be to me it sounds like only perfect people are allowed into heaven but nobody's perfect? And you're telling me God is supposed to be and all loving being but if you make a mistake you ain't getting in? O.o kinda sus (I'm not saying this is how God really is but this is how Christians de......   2 reply
02 05,2021
heaven is staying in bed everyday.....   1 reply
02 05,2021
you just don't exist   reply
02 05,2021
it will be like how it felt when you weren't born.....   reply
02 05,2021

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What do you think heaven is like
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