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What Is Your Philosophy

Egg, it's proven actually. Eggs are just female sex cells, but a chick need both male and female sex cells so it's more likely that there was first. Birds also came from dinosaurs and dinosaurs laid eggs so there's that.   reply
24 03,2024
Chicken. Bc if egg first, how will the bb chick survive on it’s own w/out parents fr.   1 reply
24 03,2024
What came first? [Answer]
24 03,2024
egg bc dinosaur made egg and chicken popped out evolution hip hip hooray   1 reply
24 03,2024
What came first? [Answer]
Jagiya 24 03,2024
The chicken   reply
24 03,2024
What came first? [Question]
Aniyae 24 03,2024
The chicken or the egg?
24 03,2024
My moral guides [Experience]
Shan 11 06,2021
“What goes around comes around” And fundamental changes are necessary for a stable application and growth - I beat myself up by my emotions a lot, and it can both be good and bad. The bad side is obvious, but the (arguably) good side is I know I can never feel “free” unless I figure out the root of problems and solve them mentally. Only wh......   reply
11 06,2021
s(O_O)s 25 05,2021
I still remember this one boy saying I was flat chested in 5th grade. Did he really expect me to have boobs? I'm still flat and I haven't increased that much but like bro what?   1 reply
25 05,2021
Optimistic nihilism [Experience]
asu 25 05,2021
So basically we're all doomed, we're all gonna die and be fogotten BUT that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy in life. The point is to live your life the way you want and to create your own purpose because as far as we now this is it! When you die all your mistakes are gonna be forgotten so don't stress too much. Honestly, this view at life changed......   1 reply
25 05,2021
. [Experience]
slothsome 16 04,2021
Dont stress it, things are simpler than they look, just think about it and you will find an answer. The only problem with no solution is death. So take it easy   reply
16 04,2021
If you truly want it you will go for it. People tend to say they want something but give up because it's too hard. But everything in life is hard you have to keep on trying; the reward at the end is worth it. You will always be thinking what if what if I did this, could I have done this, remember be the present to your future we only have the same ......   reply
16 04,2021

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