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Flirting [Answer]
Sac of ramen noodles
13 02,2024
LMFAOO firstly, happy birthday boo, secondly, happy Valentine’s Day babe. Thirdly hey man, I guess you be flirty, flirty enough for your ex friend, to think that there was actually some type of relationship brewing   reply
13 02,2024
Flirting [Answer]
Bitch I’m up
13 02,2024
Damn bro I kinda relate like it's not my fault I'm just so good at flirting but don't worry bro it's not your fault and maybe try to talk to her and explain the situation? Also happy birthday oh also happy Valentines day️‍   reply
13 02,2024
Flirting [Question]
13 02,2024
Yall….am i leading people on?????

Like i have this friend (or i guess ex friend now) who i got really close to recently and i really just thought of her as a good FRIEND but i asked her to hang out on Thursday and she sent me a text being like

“hey i really like you and like hanging out with you but i dont think we should continue this relationship because of our age gap like i know it’s just 3 years but it’s kinda bothering me. Sorry if i led you on”

And I’m just sitting here like….


Like i didnt even know she liked girls?????

And i cant tell if this came out of left field or if i was just oblivious the whole time?????

Like when we were alone i did notice that she would get really touchy with me but it was never like “inappropriate” or anything and i have friends who are like that so i just thought “oh shes just one of those types of people”

The worst part is that it isn’t even the first time something like this has happened

I was talking to one of my friends about this and she said “i mean you kinda have a flirty personality” LIKE WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN??????

Idek anymore

Also tmrw is my birthday so happy birthday to me i guess
13 02,2024
I'm like really bored and I really want some aro/Ace or literally anybody in the aromantic spectrum to be friends with because for some reason I can find more of you guys on a gay yaoi porn manga site then in real life sooo here is my Discord username if you want to be friends bitchimup. (And don't even try to tell me how Pathetic this is to be asking on here I'm bored ok)
13 02,2024
yes like multiple ones nd most was on roblox when i was 9 and 10 all of them was girls except like 2 and the most "serious" one i had was one in 2022 with some guy i met on genshin and tbfh he was the only one i genuinely liked and tried to better myself for him then ghosted him in december of that same year bcs he was a shitty person, anyways i f......   reply
13 02,2024
me and my friend also think we r both ace and have considered platonically marrying each other if we r single by a certain age   2 reply
13 02,2024
Yeah!! He was a nigerian prince on tinder he was sooo fine!! This the photos he had sent mealthough it only lasted one month, he ghosted me right after i transfered him $20k, i hope his grannie got the surgery she needed from the money tho!!! But im currently still paying off the 20k i owe to the college for spendin all my scholarship money on tind......   5 reply
13 02,2024
Damn you'll bitchis story's are sad as fuck but not gonna lie you guys kinda make me what to ask my online friend out just for fun and shits (btw she knows I'm aromantic so it would be like a joke relationship to her as well if she said yes I'm not a heartless bastard I swear )   1 reply
13 02,2024
Yes, I dated her for 5 months and ended it last month. I still think I'm very stupid and have to force myself not to beg her to take me back on a daily basis. It's for the best though, we live on different sides of the planet and she would literally be killed if anyone found out. So...yeah it was for the best even if it never feels like it.   reply
13 02,2024
... no because that's a stupid idea 99% of the time.   1 reply
13 02,2024

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