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07 02,2021
Girls on here be like ´ i love psychological mangas lmaooo, im so not a faytish les be clur ´
And then the only psychological mangas they read is bl, just say u fetishize mlm and go, why dont u read psychological straight or gl love too?? Ohhh you dont like seeing yourself in it?? Poor you
Imagine how we feel.
Tired of yall
07 02,2021
I mean... why not. Finally know what it feels to date a god   1 reply
07 02,2021
No why am I blushing- The last person I followed was oh look a queer-   reply
07 02,2021
07 02,2021
i say its fine theyre fake anyways   reply
07 02,2021
07 02,2021
well ill start thinking better once fucking corona stops   reply
07 02,2021
Professional slacker 07 02,2021
This for some reason reminds me about my big fat gypsy wedding   reply
07 02,2021
The last person I followed: My reaction:   1 reply
07 02,2021
07 02,2021
Lol gotta tell that to the parents tbh cause they be teaching the kids the opposite   1 reply
07 02,2021
A casino. We're going to a casino. Even though I'm underage I'm not complaining...I'm 100% gonna beat everyone at Uno   reply
07 02,2021
no. zer0
07 02,2021
you stop idealizing marriage/a romantic relationship and start acting like someone whos got their whole life ahead of them. you get an education, travel, meet new people, make new friends, etc and stop thinking your life doesn't start until you're married/in a relationship. Youre going to miss out on a lot of opportunities if you wait for someone else to join you. placing your validity and self worth based on whether you have a romantic partner is wack and toxic ngl.
07 02,2021

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