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School Hell [Answer]
07 09,2023
Like I say to myself: school is not for finding your passion, it’s for losing your passion :D   reply
07 09,2023
I recently found out that there are people that use quora like a social media and it’s the wildest thing I have ever seen. And no one is talking about it. Like there were teenagers (the ones we found were like 3-4? Year old posts) who made blogposts, shared photos and other stuff and some have thousands of followers.   2 reply
17 09,2023
Idk I went down an olympics rabbit hole recently and now I know most of the olympians in the villiage be smashing like crazy   reply
17 09,2023
I don't fucking know elementary-level maths   reply
05 09,2023
01 08,2023
Looks like I'm skipping   1 reply
01 08,2023
4 assignments each day? Mf where you going to school?? Prison??   3 reply
05 09,2023
i found out that queen anne of england had a very *special* relationship with her childhood friend sarah churchill... like it was crazy complicated bc queen anne gave her many things like titles and a key to her personal treasury (?) bc of how much she trusted her but sarah used their relationship to steer the queen into following what she says. al......   1 reply
18 09,2023
School Hell [Answer]
07 09,2023
school systems try not to overwork and drain students to death (impossible) best of luck to you tho   1 reply
07 09,2023
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious literally is the only longest word I know cause of the song I always sing when I was younger   2 reply
24 01,2024
Delete their browser history...............i would I'd delete this whole ass throwaway Gmail account I use cause shits fucked and I'd burn my hard drive and pendrives with me   4 reply
15 01,2024

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