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I remember when I was 7-6 years old I use to be skinny and tan brown I thought I was okay but I didn’t I couldn’t eat in lunch I was mostly very tired and I even pee on the bed I just didn’t know crush and his friends bully me (at that time I was still in love with that fucker) people told me “shirt doesn’t look perfect on you pro......   1 reply
18 01,2021
I just had a bad flashback and a need to write it out somewhere... You don't need to click this, it's just trauma. I was 8 and I had just learned about substractions. And my dad, this very intelligent human being, decided to teach me a different method from the one I was just taught at school. So, instead of going 10, 9, 8 etc, just go from the lo......   4 reply
18 01,2021
Don't be ashamed if you want to vent, you can do it here :)
18 01,2021
28 12,2020
it's hard to have motivation when. yknow. nothing makes me happy anymore. ive just realized right now, at the fine time of 1:14 AM, that im never happy anymore. i dont know why im alive. isnt the sole purpose of living to enjoy life? but i dont. i hate so many things about myself. im only alive because 1. im a coward 2. i'd feel bad if i were to d......   1 reply
28 12,2020
just ignore this [Experience]
pearlywaters 29 10,2020
"if you prayed, you wouldn't feel this way!" i'm pretty sure my mental health is making me lose faith in god but okay "please, if you die then i will die" as if that would make me feel better "be grateful for what you have, god gave you everything so don't feel this way" as if i can automatically stop being depressed when i realise how good my li......   1 reply
29 10,2020
The country im in is muslim based(?) but has many other races. The textbooks dont teach about or support lgbtq. (I would like to first say that no anti-islam comments pls) I remember vividly that a teacher I had even asked who supported lgbt and proceed to say that its not right to support them. My school, according to a teacher of mine, has a ......   1 reply
29 07,2020
Irritated [Answer]
kunyunkawaii 03 07,2020
I feel you. I understand very well about how it feels when people around mocking you about how you look. I've experience them since elementary school until now (I'm 22 yo). Also, maybe for some people it's easy for them to lose weight, or it's hard for them to lose weight, it's depend on each person's body. For example, me and my sister. She is so......   reply
03 07,2020
Irritated [Answer]
16 06,2020
It's hard. It's easy for people to say to love yourself but they don't have to live in your skin. My family was also always weight conscious and I weighed myself every day growing up making choices about what I eat that day based on the scale. I had both sisters end up bulimic. Pills and work out just to lose weight don't work. There is no quick......   reply
16 06,2020
Irritated [Answer]
16 06,2020
Please don't. Do not end up like me. I have to eat a lot of salt every day just to keep my blood pressure from tanking and being hospitalized. It is all because of the fact I did not eat much for 6 months. I lost 50 lbs in the first month because I was exercising my ass off instead of eating... It was not worth it. Turns out I have a hormone issue......   3 reply
16 06,2020
Irritated [Answer]
GJX 16 06,2020
I get it, I also strugle with a similar situation. But I think there's nothing we can do to change someone else. You can choose what you will affect you and how. I know, it is not easy but it is worthy to try. (▰˘◡˘▰)   reply
16 06,2020

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