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I WAN TO KNOW [Answer]
mushroom cloud 16 08,2020
for me, i think it's failing at this one test, and if you passed you could test out of a grade of math, and failing it kind of put me behind all my asian friends, and it made me feel really stupid. i'm now on the same level as them, but still. i took a huge emotional blow over that shit   reply
16 08,2020
I WAN TO KNOW [Answer]
16 08,2020
breathing.   1 reply
16 08,2020
I WAN TO KNOW [Answer]
17 08,2020
I don’t regret anything. But im sure my parents do.   1 reply
17 08,2020
I WAN TO KNOW [Answer]
16 08,2020
being born   reply
16 08,2020
I WAN TO KNOW [Answer]
Nico peepeepoopoo
16 08,2020
Letting my dad go to CVS before I reached the credit card limit he never came back :(   1 reply
16 08,2020
I WAN TO KNOW [Answer]
Rin 16 08,2020
My deepest regret is not treating my first best friend right. I feel like I scarred her deeply because of how much of a shitty person I was. I’d project my insecurities onto her and take my anger out on her for no reason. I had family issues that caused a lot of these toxic behaviours of mine but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive mys......   reply
16 08,2020
I WAN TO KNOW [Answer]
16 08,2020
My real husbando ( if exists)   reply
16 08,2020
I WAN TO KNOW [Answer]
Taku~ 16 08,2020
wanting to be alive   reply
16 08,2020
I WAN TO KNOW [Answer]
Screech-er 16 08,2020
Once I was walking away from this park and a friend I made was saying bye to me (I was in a foreign country) and I didn't say bye back. I felt so guilty about it but it wasn't like i'd ever see him again, BUT THAT WAS THE POINT! I'D NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN! And now I just think about that day again and again. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   reply
16 08,2020
I WAN TO KNOW [Answer]
16 08,2020
Not listening enough to my friends when they asked for advice. One of the things ur not supposed to do when someone asks for advice is go talking about ur own experience. U have different thoughts and u process things differently. It’s stupid to assume someone will do the same. For years i did just that and lead my friends astray. Another regret ......   reply
16 08,2020

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