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Aw man, most memorable experience is dropping out I guess. Because I was losing all my will to learn and interact with everyone and go through basically what felt like second high school. (Or worse because high school has been quite nice for me.) I regret not waiting a few years before making a choice of college, that would have been so much wiser.......   reply
21 06,2017
Jesus ok. Chronologically: - having sex in my departaments room after a party - getting pregnant and having an abortion (i was 17 so it was for the best) - THE TINDER DATES I HAD. I met a guy on tinder once and his dick was SO BIG i had to go to the hospital the next day. -Me and my roomate had a competition of Who could have sex with people from m......   1 reply
18 08,2020
There are so many, since I'm finishing college now, but mostly are happy memories laughing my friends and classmates..I remember a crazy party inside the faculty, it was totally insane but way to fun to forget. And in the other hand I remember my friends going to my mom's funeral a year ago, I was in shock, I don't even remember what I talked abou......   reply
17 02,2017
I have a lot of memories of me crying all over the place on campus. And I'm kind of ashamed to have done it because I never made it a habit to cry in public. Even though I had a scholarship, my uni costed more than I could afford and put a strain on my family's budget. I had friends but hardly of them was from the country I was in so I felt like I ......   3 reply
25 05,2017
Too many to pick. xD But I'll just say, that time when my dormates invited girls and celebrated a birthday and was caught by the dorm manager and was punished accordingly, too bad for them, while I pretended to sleep and so wasn't punished with them. xD   reply
26 05,2017
A senior straight up told me that I'm the worst person he ever met when all I said was just honestly answering his question about who's in my group the most annoying person. Well, it is my fault for not lying tho (I am young and dumb af) and it became a good life lesson for me! I'm gonna remember this until I die *grits teeth*   reply
20 05,2021
I and some students from the Excellence class had the huge misfortune of entering the worst statistics class in the entire university. It was so bad that everyone, literally, everyone failed the first midterm. The highest mark was I think a 17/40. The professor had no choice but to add the full midterm mark to our finals. It was actually hilarious ......   1 reply
23 03,2016
I had to travel by bus to my uni almost everyday, and it was pretty tiring. One day there was a light drizzle and sun shone at the same time. Perfect weather for a rainbow. And it showed of course. I really never so such clear and beautiful one. Me and my friend were admiring it, but then bus started going backwards. All folks were like 'koji je ov......   reply
25 05,2017
I fell in love for the first time. It was painful and it ended with resentment and anger. It was humiliating to have been the only one in love throughout the relationship. I was hurt a lot by that person, but there were good days I would always look forward to. I learned a lot from that relationship. I learned how to set boundaries and to stop bein......   reply
26 11,2020
Probably that one time during kinky sex when I accidentally killed my partner and my best friend helped me hide the body. Just kidding! ...maybe.   reply
14 12,2020

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