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Nakajima Atsushi and when I met him in real life I'll ask him if he could marry me   reply
01 11,2020
eren yeager (SPOILER ALERT) so i can tell him why he should go with Zeke's plan because fuck humans just kidding, he deserve the warmest biggest hug ever   reply
13 07,2021 quite difficult i mean i wanna meet all of them but if i'm gonna pick one(which i don't) it would be tanjiro i really want to see his sword play in real life it is simply beautiful and i want to touch his sword and earrings cos they look so cool on him   reply
01 11,2020
Kim Dokja. Because I want to let him know that he shouldn't always be ready to sacrifice himself. It has always broke my heart whenever he took his life as nothing, man deserves the whole world. I want to let him know that he is the best person i have ever got to know. That I truly from my heart want him to be alive and be with his companions. That......   reply
03 12,2023