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24 01,2024
I started when i was younger than you and believe me if i could turn back time i would Please please PLEASE let yourself be a child cause these are marked 18+ for a reason   1 reply
24 01,2024
when i say this, i say it from the bottom of my heart; yes, you're too young. i sarted reading yaoi the same time as you did and i'm not proud of it. it's not because it's bl (any kind of romance is okay to read), it's just the obscene amount of smut. i have been already watching, reading any kind of smut/porn before 11 years old because of unsuper......   reply
24 01,2024
26 11,2023
The fact that when this was posted so many people said it was ok and even encouraged them to read more is crazy, 12 is a literal KID   1 reply
26 11,2023
Kaban! 26 11,2023
I am going to be honest. You're getting answers from people your age or slightly older mixed in with answers from actual adults. They are kids reading yaoi just like you so obviously they'd want to say it's okay for them to do it too. Personally, I was exposed to violent porn like obey me! And other dark "yaoi" (I don't even want to call killing ......   reply
26 11,2023
I started reading/watching yaoi when I was like 10/11 so yea I was and I’m still probably way too young for yaoi… (I’m 14 rn)   reply
26 11,2023
Shtalp 26 11,2023
Many other people have already answered but I'll just say that as long as you stay away from the pornography, you'll be fine. Also, please be more cautious about giving away personal information on the Internet. :)   reply
26 11,2023
Ahhhhhh 26 11,2023
Short answer: Yes   reply
26 11,2023
Tbh., I'm in the same age range as you (though slightly older) and I think, you can read it as long as you can handle it. Maturity comes to people at different ages. If you don't feel uncomfortable, I'll say go for it. Again, it's your choice.   1 reply
26 11,2023
As a 25 years old man, I would not allow a 12 years old one to read one. May be go for 'shouen ai' but not definitely yaoi. It's too much for kids. Bad influence I would say. There are so many sensitive topics that authors normalize for the plot and popularity that even gay men find disgusting. And from my experience, young fujoshis are the most ......   2 reply
26 11,2023
18 11,2023
I mean this generation is always rushing into things so I'm not surprised that you've started watching porno Mangas at 11, it's normal, other people are doing it too, good that you realize fiction from reality. In my conclusion I can say that you're a perfectly normal human being that acts on hormones, especially if you're in your teens, you're goi......   1 reply
18 11,2023

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