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Imagine telling trans men they can't be dysphoric lol   2 reply
21 01,2021
You just want to act oppressed lol.   3 reply
21 01,2021
Although I agree some queer men being sexist is a problem (although the shit you used as examples wasn’t sexist) I have literally never heard a trans man/masculine insult women in my life. Us talking about how we don’t like being women is because we are dysphoric. There’s a difference. And fetishizing is a real thing that happens a lot (esp......   reply
21 01,2021
I mean. You've got a point, I don't see how this controversial and what the problem is? Gay men and Trans men can still be misogynistic, while women/ trans women themselves may have internalized misogyny. This is a problem that our society still needs to address. I can see how people may feel weirded by your post as it seems more of a rant rather t......   1 reply
21 01,2021
21 01,2021
Kim stop talking. You’re the same person who thought they were supporting queer men *just* by reading yaoi. Also, why could you not just say “queer/lgbt men?” why’d you have to separate ‘trans men?’ Just a nitpick. A lot of you learned the word misogynist and never stopped saying it. Am I denying misogyny within the gay community? No.......   1 reply
21 01,2021
i don’t know what to say.. misogyny is a problem, but let’s realise that the examples you said aren’t misogynistic and they’re just insults. all people suck   1 reply
21 01,2021
Now I don't love the way you phrased this question, but I'm not going to straight up call you homo/transphobic because I don't think you are. A little uneducated about the LBGT+ community? Yes. homo/transphobic? no. Now onto my actual answer (lol) Why shouldn't they poke harmless fun at the people who have oppressed them for years and years, who ha......   1 reply
21 01,2021