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not sure whether i have poor reading comprehension or this is just stupid   reply
21 01,2021
I get what you’re saying but the reason why the lgbtq community talk so much about fetishization is because it’s so prevalent in the community . Like literally I was in the question section and this person was talking about how he caught his cousins that are twins having sex and the replies were what gender were they like WTF?! What does that h......   reply
21 01,2021
bruh.. do you know how fucking stupid this sounds.. "'Y'all know right that after the LGBTQ+ community we're the ones who support you the most". absolutely not, you're probably just a fujoshi lmao. I'm not a man myself, but I was at some point. (I'm nonbinary pansexual) straight girls and straight men freak out over mlm/nblm and wlw/nblw people peo......   1 reply
21 01,2021
" I 100% support trans men but...." kim, literally shut up. are you back bc you were a little het shit ? also, what you claimed are light jokes or responses to micro aggressions a.k.a they're sarcastic /don't mean them (or at least most of the time). please tell me you aren't actually throwing a fit because a trans or gay person insulted you for be......   reply
21 01,2021
cis..."p-p-people" need to shut the fuck up   1 reply
21 01,2021
learned the word misogyny and dont know how to act   reply
21 01,2021
Too many kids around here (or I do hope with the amount of cursings and trolls) so It'll be kind of hard to talk about that matter seriously. I haven't personally experienced it IRL but if some ppl dare to disrespect me, I'll fight them, whoever they are. If you were speaking about the online communities...Well, unfortunetly most of them can be re......   reply
21 01,2021
Let me just... get some tea and watch this discussion. I'm up for a picnic in my replies (if i get any)   reply
21 01,2021
you really need to educate yourself before putting some bullshit online. Also as well, why as a straight woman do you feel entitled to talk negatively about trans men dysphoria/euphoria? you are not going through what they are going through. you have no idea how they feel but saying that they shouldn’t be talking about their “troubles” is com......   reply
21 01,2021