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He's not interested in you.   reply
10 12,2018
If it was me, I would back off and forget the crush so I could stay friend with that person. Doesn't mean you have to stop talking to him, but avoiding being clingy with him is pretty much how you conserve the friendship. However, that's just how I would react. Since you're not me, just consider all the options you have and pick the one that makes......   reply
10 12,2018
Yikes, I'm not good at all with stuff like this. So I'll just wish you best of luck!! You got this girl! ;3   reply
09 12,2018
I had someone do this to me when I was being obtuse about their feelings for me: Tell him there is someone you really like and you need his advice to approach them. Obviously, keep exactly who it is a secret, but you can tell him that he knows the person. Ask him to be specific with his advice, like, "What should I say, exactly?" Then, when he is d......   reply
10 12,2018
Ok.... I just wanna get this out... This sounds like a cliché romance story that I've read hundreds of times from a long tie ago. Sorry, that's really what I think the moment I read bout cold eyes and such. xD But, I'll give this the benefit of the doubt. So, my answer. Tell, him straight(xD) away what you feel so you won't get stuck i......   1 reply
10 12,2018
I think you should ask him even thought it's really hard. But you have nothing to lose, well maybe your friend...but don't give up, I believe in you ლ(´ڡ`ლ) and you just have one life. So just live every second of your life happily, with adventures and fun. That's what I do (●'◡'●)ノ , even when it's difficult with school. (● ̄(エ)......   1 reply
08 12,2018
It's hard for someone from the outside give you an advice on a relationship just from pieces of information, but I will say that his behavior is, at least, very odd. Does he still talk about his crush? If you believe you can make some change with your confession and can bear the consequences of it, then go ahead. Feelings are something very persona......   1 reply
09 12,2018
Go gal! The way he acts are not ordinary! he's acting weird, he's becoming concious of you being around~! He must've realized you being there and I highly suggest you ask him out~! Sometimes guys won't have the guts to confess first tbh, so you better make your move ^^   2 reply
09 12,2018
I live by my grandmothers advice. One thing she stood firm with me is: There are plenty of fish in the sea. If you want to play chaser sure but Personally, I'd rather spend time doing other things.   2 reply
09 12,2018
I'd go for it, if he is already giving you the cold shoulder why not clear the air as to why you are acting on these feelings. He may think its suspicious but maybe he needs a definite answer and confused by your sudden actions. I know my friend went through the same issue for a long time with her crush but he wasn't angry (which is similar to my o......   reply
09 12,2018

confess to your crush

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