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i think i told this before but i had a classmate who identified herself as a fujoshi. i wanted to be friends since i was new to BL before. i got to realize what she really is. she had literally multiple gay AVs in her phone and had even the audacity to show it to my the boys in the class and said, "now, this is what WE want". like she really empa......   3 reply
30 05,2021
my old classmate who was a fujoshi makes gay sex fujo jokes at her family and bc of that she's not even allowed to use her phone anymore   reply
30 05,2021
a mf dmed me for thinking i was a dude and asked if the guy in the pic that i posted on social media was my boyfriend. these people are fucking creepy bruh i dont even know them irl edit: i should clarify, this person held an insta page called yaoi_couple_asia or something. im not sure if it's still up since this happened around 2 yrs ago and i de......   reply
30 05,2021
someone commented omegaverse in a persons video and in that video they talked about getting rid of the tumor in they're stomach that makes it look very big it was very insensitive when that person was going through something very hard and they commented shit like that   reply
30 05,2021
I watched an argument unfold of these two fujo saying whose ship was better The ships were: Bakugo x Deku and Deku x Mineta.... you can tell who won that wild ass argument   1 reply
30 05,2021
I post about omegaverse test on instagram and suddenly one girl dm me asking if i have a partner (she thought ima boy i think) and i said yea even tho i dont lol and shes asking if ima top or bottom and what it feel when i have a sex with that partner wtf.   reply
30 05,2021
Well did you answer her or did she leave before you could respond? Anyway, she seems like a very strange person...   1 reply
30 05,2021

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