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OK I ain't reading all of that. But I think I'll survive in a Zombie Apocalypse. I don't really think guns will work and they're too noisy. I have an ancestral sword I received from my grandfather..and I took kendo lessons. So I have a grasp of swordsmanship (is that what it's called in English) and my father is a doctor, I learned basic first aid ......   reply
12 07,2021
Bro the horny thing wth that made wheeze but bro thats probably true some people are too horny. For me i won't lie i Will just give up on life and let them eat me   reply
12 07,2021
My dad and I might be okay because of his hunting gear, but my mom might not make it it's a 50/50 when it comes to her because while she is skilled and resourceful she also panics during a crisis and becomes vulnerable. Other survivors would definitely be hunters. They have the ability to gather food and hide in plain sight. Anybody who has a boa......   reply
12 07,2021
I already decided I won’t survive bc I absolutely refuse to live in a world without AC, Internet and seltzer. I mean at first it wouldn’t be so bad, you’d be running on adrenaline and as long as it was a nuclear apocalypse sht would still be around. But 10 yrs down the line when your dying of gangrene and trying to mold bread to make antibio......   reply
12 07,2021
To long but the fact that i had a zombie apocalypse nightmare still gives me chills hearing zombie   reply
12 07,2021
First of all I'll find every person i hate then fcking kill them and make it look like as an accidental and let zombies bite it and remove the evidence.   reply
12 07,2021
I don't think i can survive, i admit i can't survive in the wild and I'm terrified of leaches, but ill try my best to survive, to protect my kids. Its going to be a lawless fucked up time, so never trust anyone easily, its going to be even more difficult for a woman to survive a lawless world. But ill try my best anyway~~   1 reply
12 07,2021

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