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this tangent is a little much and belittling the impact of rape by making that sci-fi comparison isn't at all proper equivalence. it's easy for the common person to sit through sci-fi as being a scientist, time traveling or otherwise, doesn't deliver the same poison to the world easily digestible and interesting in a field most people won't ever e......   1 reply
18 07,2021
rape is a sensitive topic. if you tell everyone about how much you love reading rape, of course theres going to be negative responses. what did you even expect...?   1 reply
18 07,2021
i don’t fantasize rape but if i happen to come across a rape scene in a fictional story, i wouldn’t make a big deal out of it to the point of telling other readers that they are utterly disgusting for reading it. it’s fictional. just like how i read fictional action stories that involve murders, killing, torturing, wars, i don’t go and say ......   reply
18 07,2021
in my opinion, as long as you don't read media that romantizes and justify rape and want to actually rape someone in real life, its ok to fantasize about rape (its actually a kink, just like how bdsm is)   reply
18 07,2021
Hey, I'm just gonna throw my opinion out there and not really answer this. I personally don't mind a rape scene since it's not real, but I also don't wish for it to occur. If it happens, it happens. Sometimes it develops a story, other times it's purposeless and that's when it gets me annoyed. I read: Zankoku na Kami ga Shihaisuru (check it out it......   3 reply
18 07,2021
I also have a “rape” kink (for the record the correct term to use is cnc) but I’m also aware that most of the time when it comes to yahoo it just becomes glorification of rape, you have to think of it as if the world was real for a second, this mf got raped, did fuck all about it, not even traumatized, what do you think it’s perpetuating on......   1 reply
18 07,2021
Yes you are disgusting just accept that fact cause I am too.....most of us here are most likely the same. But they do this thing called "keeping things to myself". I have lots of weird ass fantasies and read even weirder ass shits so yeah. It's okay to fantasize anything u want idc just makes sure yall keep it only to your imagination, to your brai......   1 reply
18 07,2021
Most people doing this in the comment sections are minors raised in the new tiktok puritan culture. I block them constantly so I don't have to deal with it ever. Not like you can reason with them. They all believe fiction is actual reality and when they don't like a character and you do, they make it their business and label you as "disgusting, ped......   reply
13 04,2024
you're disgusting for fantasizing about rape and reading it in fiction. rape does NOT equal being a super submissive bottom which is basically what you're saying w being controlled. this is also incredibly disgusting and terrible when there are actual rape victims.   2 reply
18 07,2021

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