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18 07,2021
some bitch said "Rape is suprise sex". Those bitches don't understand that not everyone likes "surprises". That too with some weird ass jerk who suddenly jumps on someone like a monkey on heat taking the fact handsome or not. Jus hate it too the core. They deserve to have their d*ck chopped off. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 *no offence everyone jus my opin......   1 reply
18 07,2021
NeetyNayd v 2.0 18 07,2021
This is the truth that most BL readers can't swallow up whole.. Rape when used as a plot device to develop "unproblematic romance" is not a-okay at all!! Even if someone has rape fantasies... You want it to be consensual.. I was guilty of tolerating "rape is okay" because of my naiveté.. I think, there are hidden problems that stems the "romant......   reply
18 07,2021
Arv 18 07,2021
Well I find absolutely nothing to discuss abt the topic it is a true statement. I know there r many mangas where it is mentioned I just hope tht any of the reader's take it as something amusing n do anything rash, I just want them to read n leave coz practically tht would be the worst thing to face or remember it will definitely will be a trauma fo......   reply
18 07,2021
18 07,2021
the only thing i find off is that you specified in fiction specifically. absolutley, rape is vile and abhorrent in real life. But fiction isnt real. Rape fetishes are also the most common for women to have, and CNC is a healthy outlet for that. Other ways of practicing it safely without a partner is with erotica. SA survivors are also more prone to......   1 reply
18 07,2021
wet0mega 18 07,2021
True, I totally agree, andsometimes can also be triggering. I know there are warnings, tags and everything, but one thing is telling the story of someone that was abused showing the abuse in a bad light and another is using it and justifying rape and other violent acts and behaviors just cause maybe a character is hot/rich/"in love" with the charac......   reply
18 07,2021

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