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30 01,2024
you can become successful even with lower grades. getting higher grades can cause you a lot of stress and damage your health if you take it too seriously. the best way to be good in life is to train your communication skills , but at the same time you should have enough brain to talk well , so studying is important , it s just that you dont have t......   reply
30 01,2024
30 01,2024
bro legitimately on the same boat, rn guess I could say making my dog like the oldest yet healthiest dog ever is my motivation. I’m learning how to distinguish animal behavior and pet grooming because of him, and making money for him to buy him the food he likes (he is one picky mf) and the clothes I think looks cute on him. Life without him ? C......   reply
30 01,2024
30 01,2024
i need to find money so my cats dont die   1 reply
30 01,2024
Honestly I think my curiosity is the thing that's keeping me going TT what will the future hold? What did japan do this time? How would I be destined to die if I didn't interfere? What if up ahead everything gets better? How much hot sauce is too much for me? Tomorrow might be the worst day of your life, but what happens the next day? Do you grief......   1 reply
31 01,2024
✙  30 01,2024
Independence.   reply
30 01,2024
... give me more your 'smart' brain if you don't want it.   1 reply
31 01,2024
30 01,2024
I was like that a year ago as well but the humiliation of being the only one with bad grades within my friend group made me feel even more competitive and then I started studying harder   reply
30 01,2024