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18 03,2024
it's pretty normal, i am almost 23 and still one. the right time comes eventually. little by little you can work on the things making you insecure, find someone you are friends with first so you can trust them not to perceive you differently if you tell them you are a virgin. you can do it (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
18 03,2024
24 02,2024
Everyone begins without much experience, and if your partner truly loves you, they won't care whether you're a virgin or not. As an asexual person, I don't see why someone's sexual history should be important. I believe you shouldn't feel pressured, and if your partner can't accept you for who you are, then they're not the right person for you.   reply
24 02,2024
23 02,2024
I'm 27 and still one. There's nothing to feel embarrassed about.   reply
23 02,2024
    23 02,2024
honestly do what you feel like depending what you personally want. whatever you decide to do is up to you just along you dont force yourself, if you feel ready, do it safely. if you wanna wait, wait. however you wanna do, and whenever you wanna do it is up to you as long as your being safe and doing whats right for YOU. people are diffrent so you d......   reply
23 02,2024
23 02,2024
I've never met a guy that's ever shamed someone they love for being a virgin. The best thing you can do is to focus on self-love and learning how to be comfortable in your own body. That's not to say that your insecurities will disappear forever, but you'll learn to be more optimistic.   reply
23 02,2024
     24 02,2024
even the holy mary mother of christ got pregnant a virgin, it really isn't something to sweat about. you'll still die in the end   reply
24 02,2024
daphneirons 24 02,2024
1) Don't rush it. Sex isn't the most important part of a relationship. You don't need to stress yourself about it as you get older. Don't get peer pressured to losing it. 2) Guys do not care about your body when you're about to do it. Trust me. Whatever you're insecure about, they won't care about it at the heat of the moment. 3) Men like virgin......   1 reply
24 02,2024
Dimply 24 02,2024
1) really, people don't care. People are so worried about themselves that I promise people don't care. And if they do they're incredibly immature and not worth your time. I think I have read that gen z in general is having less sex than previous generations despite being more sex positive. More people are virgins than you think, and it's usually 50......   reply
24 02,2024

still a virgin

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