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Super Anime Fan's answer (12)

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What I hate the most is that most yaoi relationships paint romance between men in a very bad light. Seriously, most of the relationships are very unhealthy with the "dominate" one abusing their partner to some extent, be it physically, emotionally, or mentally, yet that seems to be what fans love and find so appealing about it. I even read a repor......   reply
24 07,2019
It's called "Genetic Sexual Attraction", and it's more common than you think. Approximately 1% of society engages in incest (usually among siblings experimenting or practicing on each other during their teenage years), and of those that do engage in it, 1% of them develop true romantic love for their partner. So you could fall into the 0.01% of soc......   reply
07 12,2018
If you don't like a topic, just ignore it, that's what I do. No one is forcing you to go to the topic and read it. I don't see what the big deal is. Let people talk about what they want to talk about. If you don't like it, then just skip the topic.   2 reply
07 09,2020
I don't think you should be ashamed, but know when the right time is. Like on your first date or first time being intimate with a person, don't suddenly tell them that you're into heavy S&M or that you enjoy yellow showers or something. Tell they eventually, maybe start out more mild and then ease into the more kinky stuff. Everyone has their own t......   reply
19 05,2020
I think you might have the name backwards. If everyone in the story is gay or whatever, then wouldn't it be Queer Washing. It's like in the movies when they make characters who should be black or asian or whatever white, then it's called White Washing, because they're making everyone white. So to make everyone gay would be Queer Washing, unless I m......   reply
18 01,2021
It's something specific that you find sexually arousing. Like for example, some people find spanking or using whips arousing, some people find swinging arousing, some people find using food play arousing, etc. These thing care considered fetishes.   reply
28 06,2021
Well, I'm straight, but my brother is asexual. He's attracted to girls, but says he has absolutely no interest in having a relationship, dating, getting married, or even having sex with any of them. He says it's not out of fear of rejection or anxiety or anything, he's just not interested and never has been. I don't really get it since he says he d......   3 reply
30 04,2019
If you do not feel comfortable, absolutely do not let yourself be "talked into it". If he really cares about you, then he will wait until YOU are ready. He is, and that's him, but this is you. If he tries to convince you otherwise, then he cares more about his needs then yours. Don't let hm twists things around, or make you feel guilty, or make you......   reply
09 12,2018
There's no right or wrong answer. It depends on the person. More often than not, people get married, and there's nothing wrong with that (despite what some groups try to claim). I think it's great that you can find someone to love and be loved by. At the same time, there are those who chose to remain single indefinitely, and there's nothing wrong ......   reply
09 12,2019
It's always painful the first time for boys and girls because there's stretching.   reply
10 06,2020
As far back asI can remember, my first crush was Videl from DBZ.   reply
21 12,2019
about virginity
It's when YOU feel ready, and no other time. When I say you feel ready, it's when you feel comfortable and actually want it for yourself, not because someone is pressuring you. And while I'd say you should wait until you're at least 18, I know other do it sooner. But whether it's 18 or 48, it doesn't matter, it's when YOU are ready. It's you're bo......   2 reply
30 04,2019