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Atlas's answer (19)

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Trust me....It's not motivation, it's ADDICTION.... I have no right to say this, since I don't follow my own advice, but don't spend your money... It's just an endless cycle...   reply
16 04,2024
about question
STOP with this "study well" nonsense you guys are commenting!!!! I promise you when you're 30/40/50/60 you're going to regret it if all you did was study well, unless what you love most in life is studying - then go ahead... The older you get, the more time is taken up by work and responsibilities, and that's not a bad thing, but it means you're ......   2 reply
05 04,2024
about question
Easy... Buy lube that look like semen (yes that exist) and go have fun... This doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a kink, though it could have... And breeding kink (to my understanding) doesn't equal wanting to have kids necessarily... Don't have kids unless you're thinking about raising them, not just about the pregnancy and the sex........   reply
6 days
about question
Wanting to be androgynous, feminine or masculine doesn't necessarily have anything to do with gender. You can have all those feelings but still want to be a woman - that's perfectly normal. The only advise I can give is, when the icky feelings come, try and think about whether it's only about looks (the way you present yourself) or if there's a de......   reply
01 02,2024
about question
Terms such as ROMANCE, psychological, slice of life, action etc. are what specifies the genre.... so you could argue that KS isn't ROMANCE but not that it isn't BL or Yaoi.... BL and Yaoi are just terms used to indicate that it's material about two male characters so that people will know... that's it! Just like MM or MLM is used for books about ......   2 reply
30 11,2023
about question
For me, I don't think, it's about whether I would want to stay friends with them or not, I couldn't.... I would definitely have a talk with them about it, but if we're so far apart in our values or thoughts that, I find them morally wrong, I couldn't stay friends with them.... How am I supposed to trust them or even just have fun with them if, I kn......   reply
22 04,2024
23 11,2020
33 - I had to do it even though I'm old....tbh the questions were pretty vanilla, apart from a few....nothing weird about most of the things on nobody should feel un-pure... ;)   reply
23 11,2020
Maybe this wont help you at all... but when I came out as bi to my mom, I did it completely randomly in a conversation we had about life in general. I was a grownup, but since I hadn't ever dated a woman (I'm a cis woman myself) I hadn't felt the need to say it. I knew she wouldn't mind since, I grew up surrounded by gay family friends, and she di......   reply
10 05,2021
about have sex
Curiosity killed the cat and, I swear, I'm one step away from sealing my own fate by clicking on this shit...   reply
05 09,2023
13 05,2021
For me it didn't hurt at NOTHING... There was some pressure but that's all... I will however say that I had a patient partner, who wasn't a virgin. I think some of the problem can be, that you're obviously nervous when it's the first time, so it's hard to relax. I do think it would be best if you get familiar with your own body first, s......   reply
13 05,2021
21 04,2024
What are you people on about??? NOBODY's an asshole for being something. The only way anyone's an asshole is if they ACT LIKE ONE.... Anyone calling you an asshole for simply being the way you are or feeling the way, you do, is actually the asshole!!! As long as you don't actively walk around hurting people on purpose, you're not an asshole - th......   reply
21 04,2024
The only thing I'm going to say here is be prepared to have products not work and have to buy new ones.... It sucks but be prepared... Since it's so individual what works from one person to the other even if they have the same skin type, I'd advise to only buy max two products from a line - 1 cleanser and 1 moisturizer - if you can, get test sizes ......   1 reply
27 12,2023
about question
Everything with consent between to (or more) adults is okay in my book. It's not any of my or your business what other people chose to do privately in or out of bed. Some like boobs, some like hands, some like feet or muscles or spanking or smoking and some have rape fantasies and do rape play..... Just because it's not for you, doesn't make it wro......   reply
04 12,2020
about question
Are you really this unaware or? You know people have different types!!! and from what you've said, it seems like your type is the stereotypical top looking person, BUT you do realize there are other people in this world with other types right...??? There are literally billions of people in this world and not everyone's going to think like you..........   1 reply
08 04,2024
I've never used that word and never will... and I don't know anyone who has, but tbf it's probably not a word used much where I'm from even from racist mfers....   1 reply
24 11,2020
There is no one way to be in a relationship.... Some may not want to be in a relationship without sex, but some will, and some will even prefer that... The norm may be to have sex when you're in a relationship, but that doesn't mean it's the "right" way and that anything other than that is "wrong"... A good relationship is so much more than sex   reply
13 08,2020
I don't think anyone under the legal age (where I'm from that would be 15) should be exposed to sexual content, but how am I going to stop that..... There's no way for me to do that, so honestly I'd much rather you could be open about it rather than hide it, so that if there are things you're confused about or don't understand (is this reality?) yo......   reply
07 11,2020
Thank you for sharing your pain. As someone who's been where you are, I HAVE to tell you to contact professionals!!! Feeling so much pain that you want to die is horrible and I PROMISE it can get better! I'm not saying that to sound smart, I'm saying it because, I've been there, and I honestly can't believe I made it, but I did, because I actually ......   1 reply
01 06,2021
I can't.... I'm sorry.... I can't stop laughing.... why does it sound like you're some kind of saviour giving us the answer to the meaning of life...   reply
21 01,2021