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Ahhhhhh's answer page 18 (379)

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Chicken sized elephant but I'm keeping it as a pet   reply
9 days
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Dude I would have totally been down 3 weeks ago when I was on break Maybe I still can if u payed me?   reply
13 01,2024
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Why does everyone love Kim dokja? /gen   2 reply
16 02,2024
Ahhhhhh 21 02,2021
My first thought reading this was to break up sooner than later but then u stated it probably won't happen. So my best guess in this situation would be to find a comprise and get pets or try fostering kids at least once to get the feel. Maybe one of you will falter and see it's not that bad or if it's too much to handle; then you'll talk it out mor......   1 reply
21 02,2021
Car first?? Don't u need a separate license to ride an actual motorcycle?   reply
11 03,2024
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08 04,2024
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Ahhhhhh 25 02,2024
Glad u asked It's called Farwell neverland by txt Their other song Fairy of shampoo is cool it's like.. fairy idk Sugar rush ride (also by txt) is more poppy and has a cool choreo too   reply
25 02,2024
1) Idk probably cuz we horny and fetishize it. Also I'm a fujoshi and for me, sometimes I do wish I was a dude but not a gay one cuz women still sexC. I'm pan irl and sometimes I question my gender so I'd wanna try being a boy in my next life. 2) Ayo? I dont think anyone on this site (or only a few people) look down on fem gays?? Like I don't? 3......   reply
10 03,2021
Ahhhhhh 21 02,2021
I just joined one today   2 reply
21 02,2021
Recently like 6 hrs; even if I want to sleep more my body won't allow me I end up super dead by 2 pm and wanting to nap but I gyatt class sometimes untill 5:30 so I just die in lecture.   reply
12 02,2024
about question
Sounds fun~   reply
02 10,2023
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Uhhh not sure what your asking for but I'll write down some random ideas/concepts based on "subtopics under it was food, beauty, and mind, which is basically about society's standards, fatphobia and controlling shits the institutions" Idk if ur American or not but u can talk about how major corporations run the country and fuck up our food so badl......   reply
21 02,2024
Pretty :0   reply
23 02,2024
Probably befriend the person who u want to ask out first. Then ask to hang out a couple of times with friends and eventually alone. They'll get the hint if u say "let's hang out, just us?" Just grow a strong friendship foundation then ask em out; straight up Like "I really like you and your so cool; do you want to try dating?"   reply
20 03,2024
Anyone know how to check if you've been blocked? I was almost shadow banned tho. Couldn't posts questions for months .   1 reply
14 01,2024
I got a ton. Maybe Schizo episode?   reply
09 01,2024
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Zamn bro this ad so old now. Why do I see it now tho?? Anyways I'll join cuz I'm need friends   reply
02 12,2023
This.   reply
24 02,2021