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elise's answer page 3 (87)

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rape and just non consensual shit. like semes be like "i know you like this" this bullshit they don't even know the difference between yes and no they think no means yes.   reply
19 02,2024
its my name   reply
19 03,2024
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365 (4 its my fav number lol)   reply
08 05,2024
i mean there's plenty of things out in the world i wanna do so yeah i could quit and i can take extremely long breaks if i want to but life just ain't lifing right now.   reply
29 01,2024
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22 02,2024
hannibal the cannibal   reply
22 02,2024
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it's just what kids call their parents. It's just that society has now thought that the word mommy and daddy is just sexual. It's just been sexualised. but no I'm not uncomfortable about it at all. it's a word get over it.   1 reply
04 12,2023
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honestly her work does disgust me. it's never captivated me to want to read on if i stop i'll stop. Jinx is so disgusting like i fucking dropped that piece of trash. sad that people even like jinx just because of the art style and how toxic that ugly horse is. if yall like jinx you have some rape fetish istg... like the whole thing has been going ......   1 reply
14 03,2024 the seme dude is crazy   reply
07 11,2023
I personally haven't blocked anyone, i ain't getting into drama boo   reply
26 01,2024
i mean as someone who is a female having a dick wouldnt be to bad other than the random hard-ons you probably get?   reply
31 07,2023
bae im depressed life is just wonderful   reply
18 07,2023
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So you're confused? look having kids takes RESPONSIBILITY and if you can't decide to have kids don't. you could have them then regret it, that's why you should think before having kids. also if this is a kink then that's disgusting god it reminds me of a lady i knew who has 16 (probably more) kids.. That's a breeding kink right there. also im j......   reply
21 days
ive seen so much shit these days and no fucking joke and well i love being single i dont need no man honestly you dont need to date anyone like live your life bro.   reply
19 03,2024
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14 04,2024
i don't tend to focus on the ratings only how the characters look and if i like the summary :)   reply
14 04,2024
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sorry but what the fuck is this question.. you should know that it definitely shouldnt!! youve read too much bl you need to get a life honestly tf..   reply
03 05,2024
i mean my mum suffered from having a very heavy alcohol addiction and well because of that i was just always so scared to be around her it also made my depression worse but im so proud of my mum for getting help, shes now stopped drinking (she said she wont do it again and only drink non-alcoholic) but i know that anyone who's got an addiction, i......   reply
21 02,2024