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b a n a n a's answer page 8 (156)

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about hide yaoi
No, not yet since they haven't gone through my phone in a while now   reply
12 01,2021
about question
ngl i'd date him   reply
26 04,2021
His name is May, one of the main characters in a series I'm writing! And I could write his background here but I'll be waaay too long -,-   reply
27 12,2020
I always think of ways to kill my OCs (for da plot) and one of them was to make an OC eat his wife because eating her will make him one of the gods. Next was to cut their limbs and reattach them to animals; torture and rxpe the orphans; eat their own eyeballs and teeth; shoot down a church full of elderly people. Yeah, not that dark but it's fun to......   1 reply
19 12,2020
The Martian Girl (the Lora trilogy) by Paul Magrs because I read   reply
20 12,2020
07 03,2021
me (left) and my best friend aka chungus (right)   reply
12 05,2021
Yeah, my handwriting is trash.   2 reply
31 01,2021
1.) Uke (bruh I ain't never a uke) 2.) Ryohei Sasagawa (Reborn!) Dk who this guy is tho 3.) Boku no pico 4.) Site didn't load 5.) The senpai 6.) Yuri squad (kinda wrong but sure) 7.) Ass slapping/grabbing 8.) Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn 9.) 5. Virgo   reply
10 01,2021
b a n a n a 16 12,2020
My incompetency, stubbornness, recklessness, and my life in general :'3   reply
16 12,2020
I'd recommend Your Throne on WEBTOON. The plot is magnificent, the characters are hot, and the MCs are strong and unique in their own ways. There's also The Fever King on WEBTOON which is based on the YA novel by Victoria Lee. It's a dystopian fantasy and sci-fi comic and I highly recommend reading it (there's also some elements of yaoi in there ......   1 reply
27 04,2021
This detective is assigned to work on a gruesome murder case, trying to build a report, but is appalled by the details of the murder especially with the mutilated body and the cleverness of the murderer to leave zero evidence behind. Despite his tough appearance, he doesn't work well with blood and death. Nevertheless, he's challenging himself for ......   reply
12 07,2021
I would never. Three months in and we're practically inseparable but of course, my love for him has grown a lot. Yet I'm still a coward who won't fess up to liking him which is driving me crazy. Nowadays, we haven't been talking much though. It's clear he's been ignoring me and I have no idea why. So because of that, I've been down and have been ......   reply
07 01,2021