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[DELETED]'s experience page 1 (40)

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I ate a bruised banana today ;)   5 reply
18 05,2021
All those server shut down waiting is worth it because of these : The last read and the highlight one( when you click on something) Now I'll never forget which one I read and last read....even with all those bugs that i really hate( not all, I like teleporting by clicking randomly), the shota template cover, the way the staffs ignore our complai......   2 reply
18 04,2021
21 05,2021
And jokes on you people who wanna ruin it because I already did with my alt . Not gonna get ruined if I ruin it myself first   reply
21 05,2021
about lmao
11 06,2021
Went my way to have a talk with my old classmate thinking how to catch up with them but my mind just went blank and typed out tiddies and lets just say I have a sophisticated conversation with them about it ( there's like 5 pages of convo where we talked about its beauty and hell no Im sending it here)   reply
11 06,2021
13 05,2021
I have been in this forum community or sht idk for like 3 months now and I can bravely say with my nonexistent pride that I hate everyone in here, fuck you all including myself. - some dude who's done with everyone   3 reply
13 05,2021
When I read a bunch o fcked up shts in mrm, nhentai, weird fanfics et al , l sometimes stop while scrolling and think 'man.... how fucked up am i? Why am i reading this again? Whats wrong with me? Why am i not bothered by this sht?" Then 2 secs later I'll be like "oh well" then go scrolling down again forgetting those concerning questions of mine ......   reply
05 05,2021
So if some of ya guys know, my birthday is last month. I appreciated the congrats but anyways. 10 days earlier (May 15) is my sister's graduation. And Oho our house literally celebrated like crazy, many people congratulate her, gave gifts, we even had a feast and she got an ipad. That was quite cool right? Okay now 8 days later is my bday, and bit......   2 reply
24 06,2021
about lmao
03 05,2021
  4 reply
03 05,2021
about lmao
  1 reply
06 05,2021
Its in the damn middle of the night Anyways, short review for grass: Its green, its wet. Thank u for reading.   1 reply
08 03,2021
about lmao
Wtf is this conversation   1 reply
11 05,2021
Now Im interested in the story   2 reply
21 04,2021
03 07,2021
  2 reply
03 07,2021
about lmao
I told my mom that my eyes is twitching a little bit so i was asking for a medicine or reason but she go around saying "Thats what you get for using cellphone all day, your eyes gonna get blurry like your sister" then after that she went talking with dad that "we should cut off the internet, its less bills hahaha and Mako's eyes will be healed " t......   3 reply
13 05,2021
Anyways, who wanna go first?   4 reply
19 02,2021
10 05,2021
Yeah and no, we're still not divorced I didnt mean to disrespect anyone, this is literally just us joking around. No harm attached.   1 reply
04 03,2021
about question
Felt like wasting time doing this but since Its my self proclaimed day off from my schedule, here:   2 reply
09 07,2021
Im Mako,I help people if they want me to, I suck at jokes, I'm mean sometimes,I read whatever sht is thrown to me and Im a regular at nhentai. That's it, bye   1 reply
02 05,2021