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tint's answer page 2 (36)

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my mom's homecooked meals   reply
12 12,2023
about question
summary: As the toughest fighter in the world of crime, Gijun claims victory in a battle that ends the long power struggle between Seoul's gangs. But when his brother Giseok rises in rank within the enemy group, Gijun decides to slash his own heel and leave the business to avoid fighting him. Just when all seems at peace 15 years later, Giseok is......   1 reply
25 02,2024
about question
Rosentine   1 reply
31 01,2024
why do y'all hate byul? I think he's adorable.   2 reply
19 02,2021
right now, I'm scared of my parents finding out that I havent answered my assignments for almost 3 months or maybe longer than that :)   1 reply
10 01,2021
11 02,2024
I watch "You laugh, you lose" videos on youtube. and there ya go, sadness is gone!!   1 reply
11 02,2024
I have an unhealthy obsession w lip tints   1 reply
29 01,2024
Check out r/asianbeauty on reddit   reply
27 12,2023
These 4 are just *chef's kiss* Do you guys have some suggestions like these?   2 reply
02 08,2023
I have to think harder to remember the rest, but this is what I can provide for now lol.   1 reply
11 02,2024
about question
it's usually the other way around I stay silent when i'm angry so.. yeah.   reply
11 02,2024
about question
01 03,2024
  1 reply
01 03,2024
23 02,2024
this cowboy from walking dead   reply
23 02,2024
about hide yaoi
my mother doesn't even know what 'BL' means lmao   1 reply
10 01,2021
I highly recommend Rohto Mentholatum Melty Cream Lip. MY HOLY GRAIL LIP BALM   1 reply
09 04,2024