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mooznnn's answer page 28 (554)

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15 01,2024
Idk   reply
15 01,2024
I was like that a year ago as well but the humiliation of being the only one with bad grades within my friend group made me feel even more competitive and then I started studying harder   reply
30 01,2024
Romance between mentally challenged ppl   reply
24 01,2024
about question
No stop stfu   reply
27 01,2024
My old username was one hell of a shit so i wanted to change it asap so i changed it to this   reply
24 01,2024
about question
Ok but u sure dying is really worth it? Like sure sure???   2 reply
25 01,2024
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Idk how to draw   reply
27 01,2024
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Oh I would love to make an oc out of this but i suck at drawing   reply
27 01,2024
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I only know nishi   1 reply
30 03,2024