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FancyTrash's answer (5)

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"If I saw a sexy man on the streets wear fhe same, and if I was crazy and unstable with my desires especially, then I'm sure me and plenty of other unstable and crazy people will go after that man because he wears such obscene clothes." (That is VERY concerning... this part came directly from the paragraph... that’s so messed up) But then again,......   1 reply
19 08,2023
about question
Yup quit. It’s pretty much unfair and not on the contract. I definitely get that confrontation is hard, but they DO THAT ON PURPOSE, because they know workers don’t like speaking out. It’s the same with when people try to ask for a raise and such. Sometimes it’s best to stand up, because either way, you’ll be leaving soon (hopefully)! M......   reply
31 03,2024
Why are there people snoopin in y’all’s tabs though I get the sharing the computer, that’s hard… Here’s my take on what happened for me lol TLDR: Make an account on MMG and don’t be lazy to sign in For me, I was on MMG but I was too lazy to log in, and so because of that, stupid ads would pop up, and specifically that meant porno si......   reply
19 days
Funny you ask, because I had a user one time slip into my DMs on here and ask me that like, wrong platform bro I can’t tell if that person was desperate, extroverted, or courageous   reply
01 02,2024
FancyTrash 19 03,2024
Is this bait? I mean considering they put it in their bio for their morgue account I’d think they be wanting attention. Here’s the bio for anyone curious: “ he 19 homo mangago users manage to fall for the most obvious fucking bait ever, every single time, WITHOUT FAIL yes i am pixcorpse seb sebastian sebby fairygutz whichever one you re......   reply
19 03,2024