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Yanah1412's question (6)

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I'm just havi g the most frustrating time of my life. We're having a dis ussion right now in the living room and my brother is choosing a course that he wants for college and let me tell you my dad just won't budge. My brother want a course related to English, literature or linguistics and my dad wants him to choose engineering or anything related to science and math and not arts. I'm just so frustrated. Why won't you let my brother be? He literally told my brother that "MEN" who choose Arts as a course are either women or just gay which completely makes no sense. "APOLOGISE TO ALL THE STRAIGHT MEN AND ALSO GAY PEOPLE IN THE ARTS"

Ugggh my Dad also told us there's no difficult job if you just study for it. BUT NO I ULTIMATELY DISAGREE. A job is easy not because you studied for it. It's because you love and have the passion for it. I just really want to speak out and knock some sense into his brain right now.
15 07,2021
about question
I know I'm not supposed to create 600 different scenarios from this one question but my brain just did it. I love my friend of course in a totally platonic way and he also has a boyfriend so I know he wasn't asking for himself. He asked this to me while all our other friends were present and they were like of course Ella(Me) won't date gay people cuz she's straight. But it actually made me think for a hot minute. Would I actually consider dating gay people even though I'm straight? Deep down I knew the answer was yes. I mean if I like you of course I'd consider you. Now I'm wondering which gay person my friend was talking about cuz he's not telling me who and was just asking "Hypothetically" now I can't get it out of my head
21 06,2021
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Well I started out really young. Like 2-3 years old young. The reason for that is because my paternal side of the family all watched anime when they were young and collected CD's and DVD's. Downloaded some anime too. I was aware at a young age that what I was watching wasn't cartoons but Anime. They'd put on their CD's in the player and let us watch (me and my siblings) with them. Every time I come back home from nursery my Tito would plop me in front of the computer and would play some animes he thinks I would like. And now I've been watching/reading for almost 20 years.
14 06,2021
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So we had a conversation over dinner last night and my father was egging on my brothers to get girlfriends. Its completely normal yes but I want my brothers to find girlfriends on their own that they actually want to date and have fun with. He's been talking about this for the entire year already and I always show my disdain about the topic and make snide remarks to let them be. But last night I just felt horrible. My dad brought out the topic again and told my brothers to date at least 20 women. I personally am a girl and it felt horrible to listen to this. My brothers retaliated and said no and he just went and said. "Hah! Are my sons gay? Why won't you just go and date. Are you afraid of women? Are both of you gay?" and it totally spoiled my mood. I mean so what if they're gay? So what if they don't want to date? It's their life and not my dad's. If they want to date let them date. If they don't then don't. I wish my father would stop forcing his ideals on us. My brother is just 15 and 18 they have all the time in the world.
03 07,2021
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I'm at school today. I thought I could do it. But I'm here on the school Rooftop hiding. I just can't anymore. I thought I told myself to talk to my teachers but no one wants to deal with someone like me. No one wants to deal with a problematic child because no one wants to bear that responsibility. I'm just scared. I don't know what to do and I'm just waiting for some vain hope. I can't talk to them because I know that I'm just going to be an inconvenience.
08 07,2021
about question
I'm sorry if this sounds ignorant but I've been seeing the term ciswoman or cismen in a lot of conversations here and I don't understand what it generally means. I tried googling it but I couldnt understand the whole premise of the context.
04 06,2021