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Sleepy...'s answer page 4 (88)

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Nah my dumbass never realized it was ever down I'm just such a busy business woman what can I say(I was studying and writing down lectures like my life depends on it⚰️)   reply
24 03,2024
about question
Summary: I'm still smart, I'm just depressed and Nero divergent so everything comes in late asf. Still have a high ass gpa though so idgaf. Shit, but better quality shit bc therapy has been working recently. Other then that I'm "the smart dumbass" to summarize it Everyone says I'm dumb asf while also saying I'm the smartest person they know and th......   2 reply
23 04,2024
about question
OML THE ANSWERS TO THIS ARE MAKING ME REFLECT WAY TOO HARD I need to take a week offline after this or some shit... I remember when pl would hit me up asking me to be their artist and animator for their anime, like I kid you not this happened 3 times And don't get me started on the whole Naruto, boco no pico, AOT, HxH YBC, and Mha shit, like it......   reply
10 02,2024
Man. Need I say more. (No. no tf I don't)   reply
07 11,2023
It's me, I'm the joke. LMFAOO JK(Not really) I'm not good at making jokes when I get put on the spot but I'm usually rly funny on my own time.   reply
04 01,2024
Yw. ALSO VIRTUALLY DRAG THAT HOE FRFR LMFAO EFVIVOD Gl with your friend. Me and my friend just keep on refering to eachother as spookie dookie and creepy peepee. Istg Im going to get a ristraining order if she asks "if I wanna see her halloweenie" again.   1 reply
07 12,2023
I would shoot it and then run away so damn fast you have no idea. (The american half is showing..) Also tf I'm talking abt run??? Bitch I don't run for shit, I still think getting hit on by a literally egg sheran looking mfer would make me run fast asf tho, I just have no long distance stamina istg. (The 4th pic in my actually camera roll and not......   reply
07 12,2023
about question
Naw but fr honestly there are so many problems that mentioning all of them is a whole ass task at this point. BRUHV FR HOW IS JINX STILL GOING ON ITS BEEN A YEAR. A YEARR. AND NOW IT'S ONLY JUST DV??? Ik this shit ain't gonna try and turn around and go "omg dan my pookie dookie the silly willy of my eye ily sm" I would literally just turn into du......   reply
07 12,2023
Imagine a mix between the two lmao. (I have percings and earings and both and a lot of birthmarks and scars, also my hair is a mullet wolf cut thing. They just didn't have a ton of options but what can you do ig..)   1 reply
09 01,2024
about question
As someone suffering with depression paired with Neuro divergence and a shit load of other things not only does it hurt us when you lie about having a disorder or spreading false information to others which can then result in sad little idiots saying they have bpd, are psychopaths, have autism, tourrets(sorry if I misspelled it) and literally just ......   1 reply
13 05,2024
about question
28 02,2024
My friends tell me that I tend to look pissed when I get awkward and can't think of something to say, so tada.(I'm nice I swear) They only have one light light olive tone for neutral/olive skin tones though(I have a tan olive-y sea sick tone but oh well this was closest. Istg this is giving me concealer shopping war flashbacks my lord️️)   reply
28 02,2024
about question
04 01,2024
Kill me. This shit has been popping up in my dreams and I want out I WANT OUT. Also I kinda agree?, I don't have nightmares enough to rly talk abt shit tho so this is all you get (   1 reply
04 01,2024
about question
22 12,2023
SAME!!! ^V^ But, I have no christmas break, I have to work thru the weekend, and I'm sick as shit. I feel you I feel you frfr. I gtg work and try to be productive now or at least predend to be. kms   reply
22 12,2023
about bad ends
Absolutetly fucking horrible, but thank you for asking.   reply
06 01,2024
about question
We're only 27% compatible with 3 artists in common⚰️ I mean it's not the worst I've gotten by far but still DAMN️ Here's mine for y'all   3 reply
04 03,2024
about question
We got 8% with only 1 artist in common... I mean the lowest I've ever gotten is 0% so it's really not THATT horrible⚰️   4 reply
05 03,2024
17 01,2024
AHAHAHAHAA. I'm doing very questionable. Like a mixture between "kms" and "teheheee I'm going to have the best week ever" thank you for asking. (I've had one of these fucking annoying mouth sores right in the little area that conects your gum to your lower lip and it's been there for a fucking week. I'd rather get my head impaled again like a ......   1 reply
17 01,2024
I'm just severely sleep deprived. If I'm not a walking zombie I'm just in a coma taking a lil snooz as I go, "MIMIMIMIMMIMIMIIIII" Simple as that.   reply
26 03,2024
Respectfuly jump off a cliff and if you live jump off again then steam roll yourself till you look like motherfucking flat stanley. Crying and shitting why would you share this...   1 reply
22 01,2024
Dog. Also my friend calls me wifey and says I have "Golden Retreiver energy". (istg I'm going to beat the shit outa her one of these days... ) I hate it here. Creds to me for that lovely art btw (please dont rip or steal it ty frfr)   reply
07 11,2023