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✨ mushayyy_✨'s question page 7 (128)

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about question
Meat. I'm banned from eating meat rn.
17 06,2021
Any good deed/s you did?
30 06,2021
about question
Welp I found mine and she's professional dancer but I forgot her name.

So did you find yours?
08 06,2021
Your habits that you still have or not anymore .

1.biting fingernails(not anymore)
2.biting my hair(not anymore)
3.slapping the forehead(still have)
4.shaking my feet when I'm laying down(still have)
5.clicking my neck side to side(still have)
31 05,2021
about question
That I can find in the net free read not too long not too short worth reading to change my perspective in life( I'm asking too much on this sight)
23 02,2024