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Motigaytional rice's answer (5)

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Somehow i only have 2 screenshots maybe i accidentally deleted them when i cleaned my phone- but these survived. Im certain that i have an album of screenshots it's saddening I can't share them now-   1 reply
20 08,2023
I hate everything that was answered here in this question. Like fr they are right, i dont need to name the tropes one by one... they already did it.   reply
27 03,2024
about question
Anybody except my relatives and family... I've been kind my whole life and my patience is almost at it's limit im afraid that I'll just explode one day... I really need to find a quite place and with no population to release these anger man.   reply
05 08,2023
0/10 Dude... I don't go out and don't know how to commute I've been living in the same residents for a decades and i barely explored the city i live in and more importantly because of my looks and my introvert personality. Tbh, im scared of my future... been thinking about this for years now.   reply
27 03,2024
My name came from an influencer in my country that became a meme, because it's just literal garbage product like i would just buy a rice and cook it myself and feed like my family than buy a cup of cooked rice with a price of 2 - 3 kilo of rice. And added gay in it because i saw "investigaytion bureau" is this their user name? I dont remember now.   reply
27 03,2024