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SomethingIDK's answer page 2 (38)

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Hiding in the bathroom everytime my dad came home. He was worse with my older brother, I barely got what he went though. My mom having to deal with his drunk ass and locking him outside. Telling us to get away from the windows and doors just in case we opened the door. Bro spanked me right when I got out the shower once cuz we broke the glass on a ......   2 reply
24 10,2023
7 yr old me was feral and down bad for these sons of bitches   2 reply
23 02,2024
about question
The second flood better come get u before I drown u myself   reply
16 10,2023
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04 12,2023
Get oiled up and come sit   2 reply
04 12,2023
15 days
Mrm is my last resort for reading shit   reply
15 days
I want to look at myself and keep looking. Don’t rlly like the saying “your beautiful in your own way” like just tell me I’m ugly bro, it’s good   reply
29 10,2023
Thanks pookie. My retarded ass won’t succumb now   reply
24 02,2024
We’re taking everything off and shit racing like men   reply
22 10,2023
Omg happy birthdayy. Sorry to hear about your situation. I just want u to know it’s ok to be frustrated or sad about your situation. Simple gestures are nice too and that would have been nice . I can’t Throw u a birthday and virtual hugs and kisses are negligible but I rlly do wish you the best and a happy late birthday. Sometimes crying in the......   reply
03 03,2024
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18 02,2024
Sometimes u just have to play around with them. Give ‘em scars or wrinkles or new facial expressions. Draw them as children maybe. Sometimes music can help too, kinda sets a scene or the feeling.   1 reply
18 02,2024
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I think I’d shit myself if I ever have to confess … anyway, do it. At the end of the day u still go back home and eat dinner. If he makes fun of u then he was not the one to begin w   reply
30 10,2023
Thyon x lazlo. Niche and honestly not healthy   reply
31 10,2023
My mom says she’d drag me for a good ol exorcism from our pastor. I joke abt being gay sometimes but if I actually was I can’t be sure she wouldn’t pray that shit outta me. Her prob:   reply
25 10,2023
Bust out your favorite comfort blanket and join us here next week hun. give urself time to heal   reply
25 10,2023
Lmfao I love u   reply
02 03,2024
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I hope Tate gets u outta my simulation cuz this is to much   reply
15 10,2023
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STAY AWAY FROM INTERMITTENT FASTING!! I can not emphasize this enough. It’s a one way ticket to an eating disorder w the way ur thinking. Unhealthy weight loss will not keep the weight away and it’s stressful thinking about how u will everyday. You don’t need to bulk up but putting on some muscle is always great. Don’t fall into that hell m......   1 reply
19 04,2024