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Kerrrr's answer page 4 (173)

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I don't get it, is my boomer transformation finalized? I don't understand what this is?? Is this a reverse conversion therapy cleric??!?!??   1 reply
21 08,2020
Inutoki sensei passed away, too. Her stories are very dear to me.   1 reply
10 09,2020
about scared of
"Semes" don't have assholes, apparently. Besides being full of shit, the possibility of bottoming is never even on this realm of existence. I know it's an unpopular opinion and I know the genre isn't exactly meant to cater anything other than dichotomy sexualities, but it's just FRUSTRATING af to have the uke bitching for the entirety of the manga......   reply
18 08,2020
My ideal aesthetics clash with reality. Do you ever feel like this but actually look like this? ~~ This is hard. The only real attempt I do at keeping a consistent style/aesthetic is for my house and polite lifestyle I spent 2 hours in this rabbit hole and now I want to redo my kitchen and get a new tattoo. God I hate pinterest   3 reply
22 09,2020
about scared of
24 08,2020
D O I T . Join the legends   2 reply
24 08,2020
I'm stuck in a loop where I come back and forth being an untrustworthy asshole and a doormat for my family. I used to be cripplingly unassertive so I had to learn to say no, stand up for myself.. etc. I've spent my entire life second guessing all the times I've willingly failed to meet expectations and participate in activities I disagree with. Am ......   2 reply
21 08,2020
I'm an asshole.   2 reply
23 01,2017
15 09,2020
I'm in Albeus is a 13 year old grumpy grandpa with a very challenging case of type 2 diabetes. Gary came home with traumatic spinal cord injury and completely recovered. There's scarring tissue and a tuft of white hair where some asshole kicked him. The 3 kittens, now fully grown, live with my sister. She brought them from a fish meal plant s......   1 reply
15 09,2020
I have a soft spot for anime's #1 lil bitch. Just look at his pixelated face full of confusion and depression I love his character, it's like the crazy anime shit happened around him and he just wasn't having any of it. His refusal to address and solve his emotional problems and his pathetic attempts to avoid responsibilities unfairly laid upon h......   reply
27 07,2020
about your pets
16 09,2020
I wish I had 10 people on a payroll to make them look at pictures of my pals for 8 hours. I might have a problem but I'm not in a hurry to fix it. Still missing some, can't find more pics   1 reply
16 09,2020
31 07,2020
get the firing squad ready because I love pineapple on pizza   reply
31 07,2020
lol fck N O It's a lesson learned the hard way. It's not about being harmfully deceptive, it's about keeping your private feelings your own. You aren't obligated to share everything, especially if it's something intimate that doesn't really concern anyone else. If you are unsure if you should share something you have to ask yourself first: a) wil......   1 reply
23 07,2020
Sodomy, I guess, is pretty up there in the list of reasons. Thank god I'm an atheist. I also called my mom a crazy old lady this one time, I worship my cat, I sometimes pour the milk before the cereal, I skip leg day, use way to many emojis, act like I'm not at home when someone knocks on my door, I listen to heavy metal and it upsets me when an......   4 reply
24 05,2018
I'm 3 gay cats stacked on top of each other in a trench coat, trying to act like a respectable member of society. I read an ungodly amount of yaoi lately because I'm stuck inside my house with only a few hours a week of paperwork to do. This hasn't been a good year for me at all.   reply
31 07,2020
if this crush of yours catches wind of your "true self/inner pervert" he is N E V E R leaving you alone. What planet are you on? Do you have any idea how horny teenage boys are??? Be SAFE and explore those emotions by yourself for a while before worrying about sharing them.   1 reply
23 08,2020
21 08,2020
so many people in need of C U L T U R E gathered in this comment section smh h ttp s:// www. en_us/article/ne7nax/the-women-making-feminist-tentacle-porn trying to avoid getting the link removed, just take the spaces out if you're interested. This shouldn't be an issue, tentacles have been part of the smut culture for literal ce......   1 reply
21 08,2020
This is a dumb answer and it doesn't directly address your question but I currently live in a literal desert. Most people SHOULD cover their skin, use a parasol, use headwear.. something. Temperatures in 24 hours range from 30-50 C° for like 8 consecutive months per year, the sun literally KILLS people. Air conditioning is of course super prevalen......   1 reply
11 07,2020
I'm, again, floored by the amount of bullshit, guiltrips and gaslighting that some young women have to go through for them to find their satisfying sexual identity. I'm sorry I can't contribute much to this discussion but I'm sure you'll get great answers from other people here. If it helps with anything at all, I could tell you that there's plent......   reply
03 08,2020
15 09,2020
:( Does this work for you? A few days ago someone mentioned tea parties here and it made me really miss my friends. I googled stuff all full of melancholy and this came up.   reply
15 09,2020
24 01,2017
Listen, I know what's up. YOU GREW UP lol. Us "veterans" are way to genre savvy to be entertained by highschool boys with dorito faces saying I WUV U MY DEAR RAPIST STONEFACED JERK. It's not only a problem of the same shit being produced over and over again, it's about us experiencing life and getting smarter; which then translates into calling bu......   6 reply
24 01,2017