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Saltyhamstar's answer page 2 (73)

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06 07,2021
WAIT ITS NOT I thought them bitches was gay and I was about to start reading it Look me in my face and tell me this ain't a butch/femme relationship   2 reply
06 07,2021
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Ayyy it would be so funny if people that look like this asked for my hand in marriage   reply
26 04,2021
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Maybe its just me but I feel like when straight white cis people make friends with people of a marginalized group they can sometimes feel entitled to being disrespectful to them because "It's cool bro this is my [insert title here]." Like how people justify blatant racism with "It's okay i have a black friend who lets be say stuff like this." And ......   reply
28 04,2021
This year it came out that everyone’s favorite teacher had sex with a middle schooler from our grade. Some people said it was for weed and others say he smoked so much he couldn’t move so she raped him. She’s in jail now but the guy receives so much shit for it because Everyone liked her and they said she could “do better.” YEAH SHE CAN D......   3 reply
22 07,2020
about question
I think it's weird if A.) The characters are minors (I'm not fighting with anyone about this) B.) They didn't tag it at all with like NSFW or anything that is lockable C.) It's a character that isn't in any way really meant to be found sexually attractive. This isn't because of some moral reason but rather not every female character needs hentai d......   1 reply
28 05,2021
about question
I wish the worst for this stupid dumb hoe. This man was willing to starve her to death to divorce her and when they were together they only had sex in a way to satisfy his pleasure. When she finally signs the papers she decides "I'm tryna fuck" and goes to a brutal only for her ex-husband to wear a mask and pretend to be a prostitute. Not only do......   reply
27 07,2023
about have sex
Same tho, it’s very underwhelming like I was bobbing up and down for a while and my jaw would start to hurt. I’d probably give it like a 3/10 because I was just bored the whole time.   2 reply
03 08,2020
Can someone summarizer this for me because i'm not reading all that.   2 reply
22 02,2024
See I used to hate Hisoka but now I don't know if I dislike his stans or him more.   reply
05 01,2021
Of course but who came here to cut some bitches who said no because Same️   1 reply
07 07,2020
27 08,2023
Do yall ever think about how everything we (blk ppl) do gets popular with a certain demographic and it becomes cringy when it originally wasn't? Dabbing, certain tiktok dances, or even our way of speech. In a couple of months its just "Annoying gen-z speech" when it was never made for or with them in mind. Crazy how that works.   1 reply
27 08,2023
They kind of remind me of kpop stans that hate american (black) rappers, but like krap. No shade meant but some of yall can be fucking obnoxious fr And this is from someone who likes kpop and BL   1 reply
21 03,2024
Yeah I can't stand when women wear tight clothes that show off their bodies. ouhhhh i would be so mad if people posted pictures of hot women is skin tight clothes Grrr :(   2 reply
19 08,2023
U do u but if you actually like Loli/shota um die or jail both work. Y’all weird for jerking it to babys man   reply
08 07,2020
07 07,2020
Hi I’m Cam (my nickname) and I’m also 14. I turn 15 on the 28th this month. I’m not physically active at all but I’ve been told I’m funny   3 reply
07 07,2020
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All the black people lol Half my besties got deleted or they deleted their account. RIP Mr.Blxckie you will be missed   2 reply
27 07,2023
05 05,2021
Did somebody hurt you?? 8 seconds breathing in and 10 seconds breathing out... If you need I can recc some other manga sites for you to read on so you can stop pissing and shitting your pants over.... I don't even know what   1 reply
05 05,2021
about question
Nigerian/Ghanaian/BLACK British accents just do sum for me idk idk I just love me a nigga   1 reply
21 03,2024
about question
lmaooo i be listening to rap/R&B/niggas so i'm not surprised its a low percent. But i have a pretty wide range of music tastes so it was higher than expected. Here's mine if yall are nosy teehee   2 reply
03 03,2024
It’s always the rich, handsome, caring, respectful, and responsible guy vs The absolute bare minimum character with no good qualities but they were ~Childhood Friends~ like I just want my man to get some good dick for once   reply
07 07,2020