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00ac's answer (4)

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I hate how quick things are: I mean this in terms of development of a self within the characters. From my own limited experience, there is a very strong prevalence in BL in which main characters are presumed straight or hetero and then just because another character confesses to them, they suddenly skip straight into acceptance but it's so surface ......   2 reply
19 12,2023
about question
Still a driving force within society that is still apparent to this day. Orientalism has eventually evolved over the years to continue perpetuating this idea of the "docile, subservient, yet exotic" Asian and in doing it aims to lessen the true impact that Asians do face racism discrimination in Western society, however it is watered down. I curren......   1 reply
28 02,2024
about eat food
00ac 16 01,2024
Great question, OP! To me? Hash browns (the kind where the potatoes are diced up with peppers and simmered in oil with salt and pepper), boiled eggs, grits, beef sausage (the thick fat ones, not the link round ones) and buttered toast. Mug of tea to the side and you're good to go. Or Huevos rancheros: corn tortillas (made from corn flour/water/egg......   reply
16 01,2024
about question
All the time! I can see the old Google hangouts messages in the corner whenever I open my Gmail and I try so hard to ignore them!   reply
21 12,2023