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vkooksenpia's answer page 1 (30)

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  2 reply
18 04,2019
i searched up fear of men phobia, which is called Androphobia, and i think you might have it, since the symptoms link up like you said you become dizzy and wanting to puke. A way to stop it, is to understand it first, and note what makes the feeling activate, and when you done that, little by little do things that involve men in a way like looking ......   2 reply
23 04,2020
about dating
infj-t   reply
10 07,2021
before anyone gets the wrong idea i don’t support nazis   2 reply
20 07,2020
about love
definitely unrequited love, if i was unable to love then i would of been the happiest i could be.   1 reply
23 04,2020
about question
Are you still uncomfortable with lesbians? That's when you'll be forgiven.   reply
07 05,2021
That's fair, but if what they're doing is hurting someone else, then it ain't it for me.   reply
19 06,2021
about question
i actually would not mind at all, probs nag me   2 reply
24 04,2021
Yes, i have a really weird taste so like when i find a manga that doesn’t fit my desires, i dont enojy it. I believe that my taste and a really good bl manga are different because who can’t enjoy a really good manga. I also have a high taste.   reply
23 07,2019
You remind me of me, you might be pan-asexual?   reply
08 04,2019
Yea   reply
24 06,2019
To be honest, it's half and half for me I tell people I just met or if I already know them, I don't tell them because I'm worried they will judge me but if they watch anime or is not homophobic I just tell them. (: So far all my anime friends know and they don't mind.   reply
16 03,2019
im a pan asexual   2 reply
02 01,2019
26 06,2021
stop giving people who don't deserve it a second chance!   1 reply
09 03,2019
I hate committing to a relationship, and i think heterosexual relationships are overrated. This is just my opinion.   reply
09 03,2019
Well, i may have had other crushes before Ryuu (from snow white with red hair). Ryuu is somewhat underrated in the series which is great for me since less competition.   reply
18 11,2018
Maybe Beta, life’s easier that way it seems   reply
03 06,2020