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Oblivious Dris's answer (19)

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about hide yaoi
I did hide it but I got caught recently ╥﹏╥ now almost everyday I get lectured and they keep telling me to fear god and to come back to the right path, change my lifestyle, don't watch anime comics anymore.... I just stay mumm but they are acting like I'm the biggest sinner in this planet and it hurts (┳Д┳)   2 reply
10 01,2021
about question
You're kinda shitty even though you have your mum's support and raised in a Christian Family. But how come you act like you dont give a fuck like the fuck you saying "my 8 year old watches lesbo porn sitting right next to me" do you not have any responsibilities towards her? She is a fucking kid. And why in the fucking hell you watching porn in the......   1 reply
12 04,2021
about question
07 05,2021
Prejudicial judgmental homophobic people always acting like Karen and suing us the fujoshis all the time. Us fujoshis do not even got time to fuck around other than dumping over amazing handsome sexy cute adorable boys. But those sick people always gets nosy and tries to come onto our nerves for no reason.   reply
16 04,2021
Yes it is disgusting..... But what about an animal wanting to fuck or make out with his owner??? a friend of mine has adopted a wild kitty and she is kinda poor so she still haven't spayed the kitty... Recently the kitty in his mating (maybe) time he became so horny and he literally got on the lap of her and did dry humping and ejaculated. And ye......   reply
01 05,2021
It's because living people realize that how much the dead person meant to them when he was alive and how much better they could've treated him well . Then out of guilt and regret they respect the dead more. Its better to respect peeople while they are still around and forgive the dead without any resentment ..... At least that's what I think :))))   reply
02 05,2021
It is f*cked up, well do you know about dark web? The f*cking hell CP ( Child P*rn) is f*cking famous there for like some powerful, influential, rich, and god knows what old men/women, middle aged men/women, even some f*cked up teenage jenius bois/girls love that shit. Like they can't even get h*rny over other shits at all. Moreover, of course gen......   2 reply
07 04,2021
about question
If you're bored than do something else like something you've been wanting to do... As I am someone who gets bored very easily it helps a lot. I keep doing unusual things so that I don't get bored like a few days I almost became a novelist and before that I was watching horror stuff like its my favorite genre and before that I was nerdy ass watching......   reply
22 04,2021
Um me and my ex boyfriend's relationship started when I was 17 and he was 25. Also, I initiated that but my parents found out and scolded both of us. Then he broke up with me for i was a few month apart from being an adult and for my well being? Anyway we still keep in touch, talk regularly and last year I turned out as a lesbian (Now I'm bi) and h......   1 reply
09 05,2021
about question
I'm a bitch I'm a boss   reply
10 06,2021
about crying
When I was 9 a older relative of mine took me inside a room, got me naked and had thigh sex with me. It happened when we went to my grandma's place and it was a bit like country side so I liked to roam around to see flowers insects in the forest/garden (I don't remember) so I remember an uncle of mine called out to me then took me in a room. He sud......   1 reply
27 05,2021
Am I the weird one because I'm gonna be 21 soon and yet I haven't shoved anything in my pussy other than my two fingers let alone shoving something giantshit in my asshole ( I'm scared of these weird actions ugh)   2 reply
10 04,2021
I've read some fucked up shits I've fantasized some fucked up shits I did some fucked up shits Im living a fucked up life reading, following and answering fucked up shits That explains a bit ig   reply
12 05,2021
Oblivious Dris
29 04,2021
Excuse me, I think my ears are hurting from too much noise badly. So, I need you to shut up, leave me alone, and my ears will be better. . . . . . Wait it's kinda mix of politeness and rudeness.... ( ̄~ ̄;)   reply
29 04,2021
Chu wanning haha   1 reply
01 12,2020
5th, January well I hate it cause after Christmas and New year they mostly forget about my birthday. So, it's either half ass wishes and gifts or they forget it as they are outside hanging with their friends. Whereas I am home alone watching tv eating food and sleeping like any other day meh   1 reply
27 04,2021
Alright i didnt even draw anything lol its just color dots im only good at mixing colors   reply
07 06,2021
Oblivious Dris
10 04,2021
You fucking scared of putting oil in your asshole eh? Where the hell did your mind go while shoving up a grape in your asshole? Did it come out yet? (¬_¬)   reply
10 04,2021
Yes I did all of these. And I love them a lot too weizhan   1 reply
15 11,2020