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blatantescapist's answer page 4 (138)

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the trope where dude looks terrifying but is actually a softie and pure and the LI who’s the middleman between him and the terrified classmates   reply
02 03,2021
Unattainable - me to all the 5 star boys who refuse to come out of the gacha   1 reply
03 11,2020
He looks like a generic BL bad boy   reply
27 12,2020
INAZUMA REGION HYPE I want an oni character but we have like a dozen archers in genshin lol   1 reply
10 01,2021
This whole thing makes me wanna sees what’s all the fuss is about. I’ve been meaning to watch HxH but I haven’t watched anime for years...   2 reply
12 08,2020
There’s nothing better than sitting down and binging through the entire Soulsborne series. I’ve never played Demon’s Souls but you bet your ass I’m gonna buy the PS5 just for that game. Breath of the Wild quickly climbed up my ranks when I finally managed to play it. I’ve never played such an open world game that feels so alive. Most ......   reply
03 07,2020
Please give me xiao and his jade spear tomorrow on my main PLEASE I couldnt get zhonglis vortex and accumulated pity in weapons banner and i have rolls saved as well as guarantee pity but ive been let down by the gacha before, fuuuuuuck ;-; I COULDNT GET ALBEDO AND I SKIPPED GANYU FOR YOU, XIAO, PLEASE.   reply
02 02,2021
I recommend trying different angles in full body! Less portraits, more dynamic poses. Doesn’t have to be perfect the first time, practice and all that! Also experiment and try to limit color palettes. That might be fun too. Also, I dunno about you but deadlines always make me nervous so I never do those daily challenges lol. I leave deadlines for......   1 reply
03 09,2020
My photo gallery is just full of FGO at this point lol   reply
02 10,2020
Aw shit, I used to play a lot of otome games. I usually prefer the story over the character tbh. For example, I don't find St. Germain from Code Realize attractive but I personally found his route the best out of all the other characters. Kent from Amnesia. His outfit is atrocious and I suck at math, but his dynamic with mc was pretty sweet imo (th......   reply
23 10,2020
Just Genshin and work. Lots of Genshin. Skipped Venti banner cuz I didn't want his c1.   reply
04 04,2021
I guess it's time to reinstall Skyrim again.   reply
03 09,2020
about drawing
Because I’m basic, all I use is procreate nowadays. It’s incredibly convenient for me. On PC, I work with adobe illustrator, and indesign. I used to use paint tool sai and photoshop lol, the latter I still do but not so much for drawing anymore. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
11 09,2020
No. I don't. I may sound like a pessimist but I think I'm a bit of a romantic. That pull someone gets when they "fall at first sight" is simply an attraction. It doesn't matter if it's physical or an unconscious feeling of kinship. It's NOT love. I fucking hate it when people throw the word "love" so lightly. I think (romantically) loving someone ......   reply
16 09,2019
I was playing through the main storyline and had to take a screenshot lol Also RNG......pls let me summon him pls gacha pls pls   reply
26 09,2020
There’s a lot of gore/obscure fetish pictures and videos on an old site called Encyclopedia Dramatica. I’m not sure if that place is still being updated but back when I was young, the unmoderated content there made me feel incredibly nauseou. I vaguely remember seeing someone mutilating an animal, and irl gif of smaller guy being fucked so raw ......   reply
17 10,2020
My bank account is ready to roll for them in gacha hell. I hate myself because I can actually picture doing it in a couple of weeks when Xiao comes. I'm still waiting on my boy Merlin on FGO but he's a limited character. :( I saved a lot of SQ for him... When Altjuna comes to NA oh god--- i-i fell for zhongli the moment i saw him kick his spear d......   reply
20 10,2020
I dunno but if we're talking about romance here, I'd pick someone who was straight. If we're talking about platonic, I'd like to be friends with Nuah. He's a soft, fluffy guardian. He seems like someone who wouldn't judge you and would listen to you if you're feeling down. I bet he gives really nice hugs both in his fluffy doggo form and his human ......   reply
25 09,2020
I’m at the age where I’m expected to get married in a year or two because apparently this is the only way for me to be truly happy and if I ever miss the deadline, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. It’s not my priority right now. I don’t want to get married and have kids, but god, do I feel guilt since my parents are nearing the age......   reply
06 08,2020
some shitty manga by minami haruka lol my old classmate was a HUGE fan of hers, so much that she brought copies of it at school ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ looking back at her works, they're incredibly hetero normative with barely any prep (aT LEAST WEAR A CONDOM, asses don't naturally lubricate, they're not vaginas) and plot. all her ukes and semes look ......   1 reply
27 07,2019