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Hinami's answer (16)

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about lmao
Something about me is I’m pansexual and I love Greek mythology   reply
11 04,2021
So one day I was scrolling through YouTube, and this is when I had just got into anime/manga. I was watching these OVA’s and I had my auto play for the next video. The next video was called papa sama to kiss in the dark   5 reply
05 01,2020
about question
Wtf ma’am what in the world where you thinking and I’m confused on the last sentence did you say you gave it back or naw? I hope not I hope she thinks she lost it.   reply
27 05,2021
about hide yaoi
Yes my mother does she’s almost known for a year and my father knows now because I got the Bj Alex manhwa paperback. I gave her the whole psychological mind behind it too she called me weird but doesn’t care!   reply
07 05,2021
about lmao
11 04,2021
So I lived in Japan for three years when I was like 5-8 at the time, my family and I went to Tokyo Disney sea and my mom me and my sister where going to go on the journey on the center to the earth but me being a scaredy-cat got scared and said I did not want to go on the ride so my mom was like okay go with your dad he should be sitting there at ......   reply
05 01,2021
about question
Oh oh I have one!   1 reply
08 05,2021
meh   reply
17 05,2021
about question
My favorite is spiders my least is a cockroach and flys   reply
15 05,2021
Mines was papa sama to kiss in the dark, I was watching anime on YouTube and had it on auto play, and I was like oh what is this, then it led me down the Yaoi rabbit hole, I was 11, looking back, like what the actual hell, if I’m not mistaken they were related some how or another in the end   reply
13 04,2024
29 10,2019
A fujoshi is a girl that loves to read shounen ai or yaoi on the other hand a fundanshi is the same exact definition except it is a male. I hope this is helpful to people who want to know what a fujoshi or fundanshi is because I'm an effing hardcore fujoshi!!(≧∀≦) the more you know! Lol   1 reply
29 10,2019
about lmao
11 04,2021
My cuties   reply
11 04,2021
AGE: 13 GENDER/SEX: Female SEXUALITY: Pan COUNTRY: Texas FIRST YAOI: Papa-Sama To kiss in the dark FAV YAOI GENRE: Smut, psychological, omegaverse, hardcore FAV YAOI: Yandere Hitotsu Yane no Shita WORST YAOI: Idk WHEN DID YOU START READING YAOI?: 2 years ago WHAT GOT YOU INTO YAOI?: A video I came across on YouTube DO YOU KNOW ANYONE ELSE I......   reply
18 06,2020
I found though YouTube while watching random romance anime....poor poor 11 year old me that was a few years ago. Damn YouTube   reply
08 06,2021
I would go out into the world and get a boyfriend, go to gay bars, and be as gay as possible... and probably Jerk off!   reply
08 12,2019