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Sleeps In Sunbeams's answer page 3 (1094)

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about question
Cock roaches? Well, it could be cockroach or even worse, roaches cock.   1 reply
13 07,2021
Looking at the shit you guys got, I am gonna have better luck finding my own.   1 reply
14 07,2021
That’s a shame you feel that way (;⌣̀_⌣́) I feel angry for you just thinking about it (҂ `з´ ) It’s gotta be tough seeing them on nearly every post (¬_¬;) I hope you work through the trauma you feel ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ Don’t worry buddy, we got your back (@^◡^) I will frown on any I see just for you ヽ( `д´*)......   1 reply
11 04,2021
The cultural shaming is strong today. How about all the super righteous just back off from Japan, a nation with its own rich and tragic history. I can think of some very easy reasons to explain why a society like theirs has such a different approach and none of it is there to be belittled by arrogant westerners who live in their own shithole cultur......   5 reply
06 06,2021
about question
Sex friends, slutty uke, man whores, cheaters, characters always walking into trouble needing to be saved, perpetual victims.   1 reply
02 11,2023
about cooking
Just cute things   reply
24 11,2023
Ahhh..the joy of pretentious people doing the humble brag and belittling others whilst at the same time assuming you know our circumstances... That’s a whole lot of “look at me, I am good and you suck’’ in one message so bravo! At least your last sentence was accurate. As for me, I do buy my favourites on Amazon when I see them and have a ......   reply
04 04,2021
I love yaoi. There are some incredibly talented and creative mangaka who deliver stories full of emotion and love. If you think yaoi is only about the sex scenes then just stick to shounen-ai. I have read so many diverse stories from the sweet and fluffy feel good ones to the heart breaking tear jerkers. To trivialise all these diverse creators do......   reply
04 06,2021
about have sex
Your head is in the wrong space. So mentally full of all the darker sides of sex when you haven't even figured how to get yourself across the threshold. Relax. Back to basics. Less porn and hard stuff, you gotta go mentally inside and focus on the buildup. Upgrade ur vibrator to one with rabbit ears or just get some sort of clitoral bullet and go ......   reply
24 09,2023
about lmao
I haven’t read this but it seems like pointless drama over fiction. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. If you think there is rape, put a CW in your review of the story. But to go around crapping on people who have a different experience with the story is weird. Why are you so hot and bothered? Having said all that, and having looked at th......   1 reply
31 07,2023
Smile when you get eye contact   reply
16 05,2021
1. Start it with a capital letter at the beginning of the first word in the question. 2. End it with the question mark immediately following the final word of the question. 3. Check that it is a question that requires an answer and is not a statement. Your score 33% Resubmit after some further study. There will be a $15 fee to attempt this again.   reply
12 03,2021
about question
Well when the sun rises on one half of the world and the planet rotates it’s light steadily shines upon new areas and leaves others dark. In this manner, half the world is dark while half is light and that way Santa can travel the world in one night that lasts more than 24 hours!   reply
27 08,2023
It’s not a porn site. They just read smut only and think it’s porn because it involves sex. While some stories are pure smut, others are erotica, and others are romance, action, fantasy etc. It’s all in how you look at things really. Personally, I don’t stress over stupid. There are many varied readers of varied tastes here. I recommend ig......   reply
20 07,2021
about birthday
Congrats on being the strongest sperm!   reply
30 06,2021
about question
Meanwhile the other illegal sites still have her stuff ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
13 07,2021
Whoever told you that must either be gullible themselves or they think that you are..   reply
13 06,2021
about lmao
Well you got two choices. 1. The clueless idiot who has no idea what they are talking about Or my preferred, 2. Brazen it out! The fuss dies out faster if you never give a hint you are bothered. Just own it and move on   2 reply
06 09,2023