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A_very_bored_Humanoid's question page 8 (154)

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about eat food
Brush your teeth uwu

Like seriously go brush them O - O

My classmate was ‘bragging’ they haves n’t brushed their teeth since they were in 5th grade, and I’m DEEPLY concerned.
06 05,2021
What are some really good sfw anime on Netflix I could watch on a plnae without the person next to me questioning my sanity?
17 05,2021
about question
For me at least
How bout yall?
14 08,2023
What’s a song you’d blast on a road trip with the car windows down?

This song just has that vibe for me idk why.
29 04,2021
The steam locomotive going down the track
Berries to make dye, can’t look back

There’s Mark
Him and his friends bark

He would never bite
But I didn’t know,
I was sure he might

Hide and seek
I take no peeks

Him and the others go far far away
I sit, hide, and stay

After hours they come back
There’s red on the tracks

But no dye was ever made…
26 05,2021
about question
I should probably know this since I’m in high school and all, but I have no f*cking clue.
25 01,2021
I have no fucking clue why, but I hate the words juicy and ooze.
Mainly when people use the words to describe stuff like steak, pork-chops, or ribs; also someone’s dick or ass.
Savory sounds better to me.

Also my friend despises the word moist and now it’s become a running gag in our friend group to whisper it into her ear randomly.
17 07,2021
Everybody stares at you as you walk into class like you just committed 57 war crimes, like bitches just go back to your reading.
I made the poor life choice of deciding 4am was a reasonable bedtime, but that’s my own problem.
18 02,2021
Like when I’m alone using “you” and “we” to refer to myself makes more sense to me than using “I”

Am I crazy???

It feels so much more natural to think “we have to finish this essay.” Rather than “I have to finish this essay” when I’m alone.
15 08,2023
I like Canon Busters, Aggretsuko, Great Pretender, and Dorohedoro.
14 08,2023
Oh boy! 7am! Time to go to bed!
23 07,2021
Why is it that as soon as I say I’m hyper sensitive and don’t like to be touched people make it their mission to mess with me.
Man I miss the old days in grade school when I would brag about not being ticklish so people wouldn’t even try anything.
Like bitch I can’t even wear jeans, bracelets, or necklaces because of being sensitive, so do ya really think I’m gonna find you touching the back of my neck out of nowhere funny?
Now please stop before I break your fingers cunt (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
19 01,2021
I needa stop watching horror movies at night.
Anyway y’all got some shit to ground me in reality or something? Maybe not something sad tho.
Idk wholesome things.
24 05,2021