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Cippycupp's question (2)

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I’ve genuinely been wondering this. I don’t think there’s genuinely been a moment ever where I’ve loved myself. I despise who I am and don’t like looking at any bit of me or even seeing it whether it be a picture or my very own reflection.
06 08,2020
So I got into a relationship not that long ago. I’d say it’s doing pretty good but there are tons of things that leave me confused. See my partner is asexual or aromantic I forgot which one. There’s nothing wrong with that I just have noticed that there are some things that I’m not possibly used to. My partner and I don’t call that often like how other couples do it’s kind of rare we call. They’re not the type to text either since texting isn’t there thing I guess. Most times they work and there is a time difference for us so I understand that things might not always work out for a call and texting can be hard if they’re working. I just feel slightly disappointed and hurt at the fact that their isn’t much communication. I don’t want to overwhelm my partner and understand that maybe they just need more space compared to others. They told me I can communicate about anything but I feel that it’s hard too. I don’t want to seem like I’m asking for a lot and I also want them to live their life as they please. It’s just kinda sad to me because even though we’re in a relationship I feel as though it’s no different as being friends. I feel as though that maybe I’m only seen as more as a crush still and not like an actual partner in the relationship. I think maybe I’m overthinking and just need to take it back a step but I honestly don’t know anymore. If anyone could give me feed back I’d appreciate it but if not this is just a little vent.
14 11,2020