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Somebody's answer (14)

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Somebody 12 07,2021
Uh   reply
12 07,2021
about question
Definitely those renta mangas but I’ve seen one at Barnes & noble that was something about “plus-sized elfs”. I think it was even worse that that manga was sold in person.   1 reply
01 12,2023
about question
PLEASE let me save panels in mobile mode it’s driving me crazy   reply
20 10,2023
Somebody 13 06,2021
1. Crispy, mushroom cloud, thatgaychicken, eunice, kageyamasmilkbox || 2. Crispy, GOTFTOSLEEP, Blackkageyama(?) || 3. Idfk fruity loops maybe?|| 4. Idk I find the popular users from when I joined entertaining || 5.Those people who are active in the discord   reply
13 06,2021
about question
  1 reply
04 07,2021
Sometimes I read the most interesting things but I drop them because Im too lazy. I’ve read 2 90+ chapter webtoons (Days of Hana), and (Good day to be a dog) and I dropped them both a couple chapters beofore they ended. I dropped days of hana 2 chapters before it ended, and dropped good day to be a dog 5 chapters before it finished. I have never ......   reply
01 06,2021
about question
No cause you’d catch me dead before I start reading jinx.. I’m so done with toxic couples makes me wanna rip my hair out   reply
29 11,2023
about question
How y’all got the energy to talk about all this I’m getting tired just reading these reponses   reply
08 04,2024
Somebody 09 06,2021
I don’t even care after I got restricted I just got used to not interacting anymore   reply
09 06,2021
I don’t even know the lyrics it’s more of a jingle 8) also it’s very obvious some of you have tiktok based off these responses   reply
24 06,2021
about dating
There’s already a discord though   1 reply
13 07,2021
about question
I trust ratings a lot actually I have a bad habit of only reading stuff 9 stars or higher but I read the summary and comments first (sometimes I don’t read the comments cause I’m scared of spoilers). I want to start reading lower rated stories, I just notice that a lot of the time they are rated that way because of a rushed ending and they stre......   1 reply
13 04,2024