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Cleopatra's answer page 3 (63)

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hahah so many answers acne frustrated people united! here's my honest tip: stop eating all dairy and improve your eating habits. when I was in my last year of highschool my face decided acne was a good hobby to get really into and I went to many dermatologists and spent quite some money into things that never worked long term (I didn't try any tr......   reply
10 09,2017
nothing much I am satisfied with where I am... maybe realize faster I'm a lesbian and avoid fucking so many mediocre men.... tho apart from the assholes, I became great friends with the rest... I just wish by my age I'd have had more experience with being with women I guess, cause oh man I'm so bad at flirting with them O_O. Like... men.. they just......   reply
27 09,2020
star signs are made up stuff it's fine to get into astrology ofc it can be quite fun I enjoy them as well as a group discussion girl hangout thing and you can still learn stuff about yourself through it, but please don't base any real life decisions on them or spend any money on "astrologers" and other sham experts!! Look up the Barnum effect! The......   1 reply
04 01,2024
100%! We need to listen, we need to let more of the RIGHT people into the discussion and the market, and support them! Idk why people get all pissy and act like this is "SJWs cancelling BL!" like.. calm down Patricia BL for so many years has been about cishet women making surrogates in uke characters that are essentially women with a dick (and no......   2 reply
07 01,2021
Cleopatra 03 04,2018
used to be for a long time but I kind of grew out of it, modern Kpop sounds very different and is very similar to western/european pop nowadays. I still follow some artists I like mostly through other friends who will tell me all about it or my youtube suggestions, but after Jonghyun passed it's just not been the same for me anymore. SHINee was t......   2 reply
03 04,2018
Bi cis woman I used to be more submissive with men and more dominant with women but that has fluctuated over time. (sexually speaking) unpopular opinion: pansexuality is just "woke" bisexuality that implies that trans people are not like cis people so you need a separate category to love them or something and Im not gonna erase or deny people's i......   reply
13 09,2019
not that I've ever been some big fan of it, in fact I never even finished it, but honestly the people that hate it are more than the people into it so I don't get how this is an unpopular opinion lol Also I think people got into it cause the start was really interesting and quite different. Kind of like a subversion of tropes I guess? Like, the sh......   reply
27 09,2019
Doukyuusei, Moon and Sandals, Liquor & Cigarette, Koi o Suru nara Kono Machi de, Joou to Shitateya, Senya Ichiya - Shitone no Himegoto, Kashikomarimashita, Destiny , Jackass! - Sawatte Ii tte Dare ga Itta yo?, Mirai no Kioku (Memories of the Future), Yozora no Sumikko de, Nichijou Climax and others very recently also the webtoon On or Off is quite......   1 reply
18 07,2020
NIIIIICE QUESTION! :) I really like rape stories BUT (here it comes) I REALLY don't like it, when suddenly the uke starts liking being raped. And I don't mean Stockholm Syndrome style (which is most older type yaoi lol), I mean someone doing things that would normally hurt like fck or scar you for life and the uke just keeps moaning and getting in......   reply
02 10,2016
Geh I speak English and Greek fluently (the second being my mother tongue) I kind'a speak French and kind'a speak Japanese (I can't write or read for shit though) and I'm pretending to know how to speak Dutch lately but it's pretty unsuccessful (neuken in de keuken amirit fellas). The few Korean phrases I've learned don't count much since my Korea......   2 reply
18 10,2018
about question
I have some worrying news for you you are all cringe we're all weebs reading bl illegally on the internet and getting way too invested just embrace it ~ BREAKING NEWS: teenagers sound either like they're about to blow up or like they are ashamed of their own shadow MORE AT ELEVEN   reply
18 12,2023
about penpals
first of all, I'm assuming you're straight? Beauty is a subjective thing. Sure, there are some people who you could call beautiful in a more broad, universal sense, but they are most likely seen as beautiful because they are so according to their culture and time period. Nowadays in the West we have a lot of different beauty standards, we have the......   reply
03 12,2018
I like to think I lost mine officially at 21 but my "first time" was at 15. At 21 I just did it with someone I cared about (not in a romantic but in a friendly-but-also-they-are-attractive-and-single way) and it felt like I understood sex more then. I think my previous experience served me well into understanding myself so I don't regret it but it ......   reply
25 07,2017
about question
I have a chronic illness so Id probably like to be the one to stay at home, however I'd rather not be completely jobless, just have work part time and my own projects here and there I'd just rather not have to work fulltime in my ideal living scenario. Actually a lot of people think that staying at home is easier than working but that is actually ......   reply
17 01,2024
Kamiya Hiroshi has stolen my heart for eternity through non BL roles like Zetsubou sensei and Ichinomiya Kou/Recruit, but I like him for sasoi/queen uke roles (example: Levi from SnK. I MEAN!!) He was also great in Doukyuusei as the seme though. Sakurai Takahiro is very good at portraying both seme and uke roles so hands down respect. For seme role......   reply
30 05,2016
about have sex
I don't trust women who say they don't masturbate. Who knows what else they lie about... >__> (jk there's plenty of people with less of a sex drive or asexual who are not into it who don't do it some women though do lie about it for weirdly prudish reasons just sayin')   5 reply
03 01,2019
I mean yeah of course it's super fucked up that 10 year olds are reading this shit but I mean, you can't do anything about that. Pornography is online for free, which yaoi is technically a part of, you can't just stop kids from reading this. You can only make an effort to educate. Also, it's not their fault that the rapey and toxic stuff is still ......   reply
08 12,2020
idk lol... mildly racist comments or jokes? Or just discriminatory related things. Sometimes in the country that I live in currently, because I'm Greek rude people might ask how come I can afford to live here if I'm poor (because Greek people are poor GET IT? *JOKE OF THE YEAR AWARD GOES TO..!*), or some people joke that I can be here because their......   4 reply
23 03,2018
Honestly this speaks a lot to a lot of frustrations I have with the whole of the BL genre as well. 1) That's usually angsty teenagers who make up hyberboles because they fantasize about what having sex with a penis and a prostate feels like, not being serious, but honestly I can completely understand how that feels objectifying and fetishizing to y......   3 reply
20 04,2020
boy you are still in High School you have a long time ahead of yourself to figure it out. Sometimes we forget that we might use words to describe feelings, concepts, ideas and things but that all of those came before the words themselves. Language is for us to understand the world better. Your sexuality is something complicated and at the same tim......   reply
13 09,2019