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ur missing homework || he/they's question page 2 (96)

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it's literally incest... go ahead and argue with me ig
30 06,2021
now y'all are sending people links to people saying it's just normal xiao fanart but it's actually him getting his dick cut off ??? and no TWs either ?? I'm on the verge of leaving this fandom I fucking hate you all, that was way too disturbing.
29 06,2021
about writing
If you think aging up characters that are MINORS just to sexualize them is okay, dni. you're gross as fuck and I could go on and on about the stuff I would do to stay away from a shitty person like you.
12 05,2021
about question
for me its a cruel angels thesis
03 05,2021
about question
i really hate it when the author of a manga randomly includes romance in manga where the main focus of the story is action/fantasy or something like that, idk why. it just turns me off way too much.
20 04,2021
about question
I’m gonna post something in the comments hold on
22 05,2021
about question
if so, which ones do you play?

I personally really like bandori, enstars & love live

I doubt anyone's gonna answer this but who cares
29 04,2021
about question
are we still friends? - Tyler the creator
19 06,2021
about question
-when referring to person they don't know the pronouns of. LIKE JUST SAY THEY OR THEM??? NOT EVERYONE USES THOSE PRONOUNS, YOURE NOT BEING NICE OR SMART SMH

I'm reposting this because when I posted it as an experience it didn't get any attention
22 05,2021
tell me about your lgbtq+ headcanons in anime :>
01 06,2021
or do they just like who they think you are?
21 06,2021
like a ship you would die for to become canon.
24 06,2021
people on here misunderstand words so much to the point of making a whole different meaning out of it and start attacking others without even thinking carefully SOO much that I hesitate while asking a question on here, I’m even thinking of putting “no rude answers pls” at the end of it at this point LMAO. yeah no rude answers please
12 05,2021
about question
so my mom always gave me hugs and kisses since I was a little kid and I had absolutely nothing against her kissing me on the lips but now that I'm a teen, I feel really uncomfortable. I've tried telling her to not do it multiple times but then she gets mad at me and makes me feel guilty. am I overreacting?

sorry I know I shoudn't be posting this on here but
18 06,2021