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ur missing homework || he/they's question page 4 (96)

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about question
I heard she's racist so why are you kpop fans defending her?
26 05,2021
who are your guys' fav canonly LGBTQ+ characters in anime?
06 06,2021
about question
eremin, also I don't wanna see any answers with illegal and toxic ships
16 06,2021
nothing hurts more than losing interest in something you used to love
21 06,2021
anger, confusion, eventually getting bored of everything
21 06,2021
I'm so disappointed... how the fuck did you manage to turn a literal bhajan into an indie song?? you even chose a WHITE woman to sing with you instead of a brown/desi hindu woman... the mispronouncing of sanskrit.... not to mention she literally cosplayed as Kali Ma to profit off of it... this is so disrespectful but y'all gonna call me sensitive for it
30 06,2021
about question
I might put mine in the comments idk
25 05,2021
about question
the comments under this video are utterly disgusting. They’re brothers and even if they weren’t related you shouldn’t be shipping people irl. They just hugged.
10 04,2021
here's mine

goodbye, my danish sweetheart
real men
your best american girl
14 05,2021

we still don't know if it's an OVA, season 2, or movie tho.
07 07,2021
can someone give me manga/manhwa/manhua with desi/south asian characters?? IT DOESNT MATTER IF THEY HAVE A REALLY SMALL ROLE I JUST NEED SOMETHING WITH DESI REP
29 06,2021
about question
I hate when people say "you're too young to decide your gender identity and sexuality" like... why does there have to be a specific age? I knew I liked girls and guys since I was fucking 9.
18 06,2021
about question
I'm gonna need y'all to share your fav spotify playlist you've made
01 06,2021
my mom looked through my whole phone and found out I'm trans and bisexual. I'm literally shaking as I type this, she keeps misgendering me on purpose I can't even think properly. please just make a good joke or or anything that'll help me feel better I'm sorry if this is weird but please
25 06,2021